Psychological Evaluation. (But not for me.) in (W)hole

  • Oct. 13, 2015, 10:40 p.m.
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Milo got 2 referrals from the pediatricians here.

The Dr he saw here is fairly new, and he felt that he didn’t have the expertise to deal with Milo’s… issues. He also felt that it was handled fairly poorly in Alaska, he thought his story was pretty shocking and he couldn’t believe Milo was already on adderall, and the dosage and blah blah.. he was sort of shocked by the whole thing, really.

So he was referred to a Dr. Christiansen, who is a pediatric psychologist. He is seeing him for a psychological evaluation on November 9th. I am sort of concerned about this for a number of reasons.
1.) What are they going to DO?!
2.) Are they going to need him to stop taking all of his meds to eval him?
3.) What if they don’t see him act like a lunatic and think I’m just a whacko?
4.) If they want to change his meds, that’s a whole process, long and exhausting.

SO. I’m a little anxious about all that.

AND the second referral was to Center Counseling, which primarily works with children, it seems. I had to fill out a 7 page questionnaire, which took me like.. two hours. They are going to need his records from like 3 different places, which sucks. It’ll probably take a while for them to get all of it.. they said they could schedule him as soon as they got the paperwork back, but I am not sure how far our the schedule. I’m a little confused about why we were recommended to both, because it seems that Center Counseling ALSO has psychologists for behavior, rehab specialists, and medication management and such. The psychiatrist they recommended him to is named Dr. Sierra, and he’s a he. I am far less comfortable working with a man on this crap, because it’s about my kid, and I feel like I need to be able to talk mom-to-mom about it.

Oh well.

At the exact same time, Milo decided to start losing his sh!t at preschool. The last two days, he has been super active and uncontrollable and won’t listen or do his classwork. He had been a perfect little angel for the last 6 weeks or so, and they are all floored by his change in behavior. When I went to pick him up today, he was sitting at a table while everyone else was sitting on the floor listening to a story. I can just tell we’ve crossed back over the line of “we love your child!” to “here is the list of horrible things your child has done today.” :-\

Today, his teacher sent home all of his work he refused to do during class, and he had to do it at the kitchen table as soon as he got home, which made him REALLY mad. We talked about how we need to keep our hands to ourselves and listen to the teacher, etc.. Im sure it will have exactly NO impact on his behavior. I asked his teacher to write me a little note about his behavior so I can share it with his doctor, especially once we start seeing all these different specialists.

Man, just when I thought he was going to start being a normal kid, like maybe he had outgrown the insanity.. or his meds and everything were just right on the mark, I don’t know.. I don’t know why I thought this was going to last, but it didn’t. I’m sort of depressed about it, because even though he was still a handful for ME, at home, it was SO nice to be able to pick him up and see those great notes from his teachers about how funny he was and how much they liked him.. it was just so nice to be able to see him meeting his full potential and being successful at classwork and educational stuff. In the past, his behavior and social issues have always kept him from really making the most of the resources he had available to him, academically.

He’s such a smart kid. He uses a lot of big words, and he knows a ton of songs and rhymes and all his letters and numbers, he deserves to be a little more challenged, but he can’t, because of his behavior. The kid is not quite 5 and practically reading. He is just such an enigma.

Also, I feel like I’ve been writing some form of this exact same entry for the last 4 years. :(

In other news- I found a used elliptical for $60. I’m going to do my damnedest to use it 4 or 5 nights a week once the kids are in bed. Put in some Will and Grace or Golden Girls and spend 30 or so minutes on it. I really need to get all the boxes out of my bedroom, but I have so much stuff and nowhere to put it. I need some more of those big sterilite tubs with the drawers, but every time I find them they’re stupidly expensive. I’ll have to keep an eye out for sales.

I’m sort of heart broken to find that Fred Meyers here is like, the most expensive store I could be going to. We had FM in Alaska, so it feels homey to go there. But WinCo is right next door and its SO MUCH CHEAPER. But it’s also a lot like a warehouse and its a little overwhelming to go in there. It’s not my favorite experience, but it’s worth it to pay basically HALF as much for my groceries. And pet stuff, kitty food and doggie food and litter and blah blah, way much cheaper there. Laundry soap and paper products, everything. It’s crazy. Like, DOLLARS cheaper. So there’s winning. Except I miss FM :(

In other news, Kasin seems to have recovered from his horrible ick. Milo woke up in the middle of the night and threw up a few times, RANDOMLY, and then was then fine. I hope that’s all he gets of it. I bought some generic immodium but never needed it, phew. I took today off work and stayed home with Kasin and napped on the couch with him and watched My Little Pony and funny kitty videos on Facebook and such. It was kind of nice, although I worry what my class did while I was gone. I love those monsters. <3 lol

It’s so nice not to hate my job. <3

Star Maiden October 14, 2015

Maybe he was just acting up because he wasn't feeling well?
I mean... I can be a total bitch if I feel like crap... so maybe he's the same way. ;)

You should call now and ask if he needs to be off the meds for that appointment - and what they suggest you do if he does need to be.

MissMatched Star Maiden ⋅ October 14, 2015

i called and they told me the Dr would decide when he meets him for the initial appt. :\

Star Maiden MissMatched ⋅ October 15, 2015

Oy. So the first appointment is possibly useless? rolls eyes

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