Missing OD in Chunky giblets

  • Oct. 1, 2015, 9:27 p.m.
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When one of us passes we all feel it. Funny how the community there doesnt feel like a community here. In fact, as much as Bruce made me hate OD towards the end there, I can truly say that it felt like a lot of us were family. Ask Babe_In_Toyland or Muffin Princess or even Ashleigh Bin bloody Field, if you can stomach her. Well when we lose one of our own we all feel it.

Rest in peace, girl. I think you earned that much.

Lobbastah October 01, 2015

Deleted user October 01, 2015

EWS made a clone, if you're feeling home sick. Maybe it would make you feel better? :)

Johnny Carcinogen Deleted user ⋅ October 01, 2015

It be slow and it be buggy as Hell. So an exact replica, in fact :)

I don't miss OD that much.

Deleted user Johnny Carcinogen ⋅ October 01, 2015


Johnny Carcinogen Deleted user ⋅ October 01, 2015

I gave it a chance. A year later and it still doesnt work properly. Shame but Ehh.

Deleted user Johnny Carcinogen ⋅ October 01, 2015

I tried it out and was not impressed.

Phade Johnny Carcinogen ⋅ October 01, 2015

Nah, man. That site is terrible as fuck. And like the median age who uses that site is like 55. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but he also doesn't update it very much. It's like he gave up on it after the dust settled.

Deleted user Phade ⋅ October 01, 2015

I think when there wasn't a mass exodus from here to to there it just seemed like he said "forget it".

Johnny Carcinogen Deleted user ⋅ October 05, 2015


Camel City Guy October 01, 2015

I too miss my OD people. And I signed up for ews' clone but never used it.

Deleted user October 01, 2015

I miss OD with an awful passion. It's definitely not the same here, unfortunately.

Johnny Carcinogen Deleted user ⋅ October 05, 2015

I tend to agree, although to be fair this place is a lot faster than OD got.

Hey, I said something positive about PB. Go me!

Babe In Toyland October 02, 2015

Well, that's because Babe In Toyland and Muffin Princess ARE family. :p
But yeah, I get you.

Johnny Carcinogen Babe In Toyland ⋅ October 05, 2015

Aww, that was almost nice of you.

Deleted user October 02, 2015

omg ashley bin whatever is on FB i added her she is even more insane with pix and gifs

Johnny Carcinogen Deleted user ⋅ October 05, 2015


fjäril October 02, 2015

I miss OD too, but I like it here more than on EWS' site

Johnny Carcinogen fjäril ⋅ October 05, 2015

Yeah. I have some serious issues with this site, and the owner, who's never been anything but nasty and rude to me, but it's still, sadly, preferable to EWS.

simple mind October 08, 2015

I was a member of the OD community so I understand that feeling. It's been a weird adjustment going from being a member to what I'm now, sometimes it trips me up. If I've been nothing but nasty and rude to you, I sincerely apologize for that.

As far as the mobile app and other complaints go, it's not a matter of not wanting to learn. I've done small amounts of mobile development and enjoyed it. I get bored if I'm not learning something new on a continuous basis (unlike somebody else who was mentioned in this comment thread coughEWScough - I mean really, who builds a new website in 2013 and picks ASP.NET Web Forms?). For me, it's just a matter of time and resources. I must be a crazy person for choosing Bruce's business model in 2015. There's just too much web technology for a single person to know and be effective at. If I can grow this site into a viable business model with a community that keeps growing, mobile apps would be totally viable and desired - including a team that rocks at mobile.

Also, I've been working on a site redesign behind the scenes that I hope will make people happier with the customization aspect. No guarantees, of course, but I'm optimistic.

Again, I'm sorry if I've been rude to you. I don't mean for any part of this comment to come across as defensive, just wanted to share my own viewpoint.

Johnny Carcinogen simple mind ⋅ October 09, 2015

Well, damn... look, I understand I can be... abrasive. So apology accepted, and I hope you can accept my apology for being... well, for being me, I guess.


Johnny Carcinogen simple mind ⋅ October 09, 2015

Also, you don't come across as defensive, you're coming across as reasonable, which makes me feel all the more the jerk. But I have to agree, Bruce's business model in 2015 is definitely a... bold way to do things.

I understand you're probably working yourself to death at this point, so again I'm sorry if I was ungracious in my responses. That all said, I've been learning how to code for the Android platform and I've been thinking of making an unofficial app that would work not only for Prosebox but for a couple of the other journaling sites as well, although that coughEWScough probably won't be supported. But this is all speculation at the moment because in order for me to learn a new programming g language I'm really going to have to get a new laptop, which isn't gonna happen for a while.

Thanks for the note. I appreciate the Hell out of it. So... start again? Extends hand.

simple mind Johnny Carcinogen ⋅ October 09, 2015

grin And I appreciate the response. extends hand

Good luck with your Android development. Programming in general is an awesome and rewarding field to be in even if it can be overwhelming at times. :-)

Johnny Carcinogen simple mind ⋅ October 09, 2015

Yeah. I've heard it's it's fairly easy, and since I have a modest background in Linux development I like to think I'll pick it up fairly easily, but it's new, so I should really knuckle down and get to learnin'. Problem is, the internet holds many treasures to plucky time-wasters like myself (sigh).

simple mind Johnny Carcinogen ⋅ October 09, 2015

I know how that is. If I want to actually get something done, I have to avoid Reddit like the plague.

Johnny Carcinogen simple mind ⋅ October 09, 2015

Dude i had to force myself to delete the reddit app. Srsly.

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