Unwitting vegetarian in Chunky giblets

  • Sept. 6, 2015, 1:12 p.m.
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I don’t know exactly when it happened, since it wasn’t really a conscious decision, but I appear to have gone vegetarian. I haven’t eaten meat in a few weeks and I really don’t miss it at all.

Not much else to say in other news. Spent most of the day asleep. Gonna try and make some moneys tonight and leave town once again. I dunno. I like it/hate it here, but I really wanna see more of the country, so we’ll see.

Last night was epic - I spent all night playing a mobile game called Pixel Dungeon and drank orange crush. That was about it.

synapse September 06, 2015

I do vegetarian on accident for short periods of time, maybe a few weeks. Because I don't feel like storing or preparing it and don't like cheap meat like chicken or poor quality cuts full of fat and cartilage.

Johnny Carcinogen synapse ⋅ September 07, 2015

Great reason.

This all fell out the window last night when I ate a couple of cheeseburgers offered to me, and a big, fucking enormous, bowl of rice n' chicken.

But it was fun while it lasted.

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