The Missing Tarantula. in (W)hole

  • June 25, 2015, 3:56 p.m.
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Lol.. yeah, so, Ross thought, for some reason, that the walls of the sandbox, (which is where the Tortoise lives) were too slippery for the tarantula to scale. He should KNOW that this is not true, because the tarantula has, in fact, climbed up the glass walls of her aquarium up to the lid. However, he decided that it would be a great idea to put her in the sandbox while he was cleaning out the aquarium, and then wandered off and did something else entirely, leaving the spider in the sandbox for an extended length of time.

Upon his return to the sandbox area, Aurelia (spider) was gone. OF COURSE. DUH?! He was very upset and looked everywhere but she has still not turned up. She’s very shy and fairly fragile, so I think she’s probably dead by now, but Ross seems to think she’s holed up somewhere in the house eating random bugs that come her way. But I sort of doubt that. He saw some large webs that he thought were hers, down around the legs of the couch and on the stairs, but that only serves to prove her ability to have gotten outside, in my opinion.

She probably snuck out under the door, as there is a substantial gap between the floor and the bottom of the screen door, and since there is no AC in the state of Alaska, we keep our storm door open quite a bit in the summer time.

My theory is that she’s outside. If she’s not outside, she’s probably hiding under something or in a wall somewhere. I am unconcerned. Ross has given up hope that she will return/turn up, and plans to get a new one in Idaho.


My contract was signed and returned to the school district via email, I’m OFFICIALLY HIRED in Pocatello SD#25. :D Eeeeeeeeeeeee!

My house is still a complete wreck, and now the kitchen sink seems to be leaking from underneath, or from behind the wall?? We can’t figure it out. I left a voicemail for the property manager to have them come look at it, I’d told them MONTHS AGO that it seemed like when we ran water in our bathroom, it was leaking down through the wall into our kitchen cabinets below the bathtub, and now all of a sudden there have been large puddles forming in front of and around the sink. :-\ We had buckets under the pipes beneath our sink to collect the water, but they aren’t filling up, and somehow there’s still a large puddle on the floor right in front of the sink. Poor. Hopefully she sends the handy man out to deal with it. ASAP!

My van went into the shop and the mechanic said she’s pretty sound, mechanically. There is a smallllllll coolant leak and a moderate oil leak, so he’s replacing O Rings and tubing to fix that, and he replaced the bad tensioner pulley that was making my drive/serpentine belt fall off, so that problem is solved, HURRAY!!! He’s replacing the muffler system but had to order the muffler for it, as there were none available in town that fit my van, and the “universal” variety was not staying on it. So, he has my van captive for a couple of days. I’m bumming rides from a gal at work, and it’s a huge inconvenience because we have to drop off Milo and pick him up after school and so on. It’s like four stops instead of two, if she was just picking me up and dropping me off, and I really appreciate it! <3 She’s a sweet gal, though, and I’m glad she agreed to help us out.

We have a place to stay for July and we’ll be out of our current rental by next Tuesday, going to take our mattress and suitcases over on Monday. I’m taking Monday off, and hopefully I wont need to take Tuesday off for last minute cleaning, but we’ll see.

I’m still trying to find a rental, everyone I call or talk with keeps telling me that it’s too soon to put a deposit on anything for august unless I want to pay July rent. Which I dont. So the hunt will continue next week an into July. Milo is on a fall waitlist for a daycare/preschool, and things are all falling into place quite nicely. I’m making a resume for Ross, because he apparently isn’t going to do it… and I’ve been keeping an eye out for jobs for him.

The entire state of Alaska is on fire right now, something like 600,000 acres are burning. Very smoky and nasty outside, plus hot. It’s been a miserable week. Hopefully it rains real hard for a few days and helps us out here, ASAP.

That’s all the news that is news, HURRAH! :)

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