I can't make you love me in Random Thoughts

  • June 5, 2015, 6:55 a.m.
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I am sitting at work listening to a Bonnie Raitt youtube channel (hence the title to this entry).

So… two entries in one day. I don’t even know what’s going on. All those jumbles of emotions are getting to me, i guess. Although i should be doing work since it is a half day for my students, but all i have done is sit here reading about and listening to Bonnie Raitt.

Kind of at a loss for words, sitting here with a headache, wondering what to write…

Just mundane stuff then… today i started a calender for my trip to Turkey and Greece with Dios. I printed out a month-at-a-glance for June and July, and used highlighters to show the days of travel (green), the days that are already planned (pink), and the open days (orange). I like to see it that way. This is an adaptation from a training i received this year for working with students with executive functioning deficits (planning, organizing, breaking down tasks, projects, etc). I printed one out for Dios, too, in case he likes a visual, too.

Along with this calender, i have a couple lined sticky notes that have a clothing list (from my research on traveling light in Europe, which i already have a good handle on), plus one with with a to-do list for what i should get done at home before i leave. When it comes to clothes, i have a “fashion goal” of a sort. I don’t want to look like a backpacker who just stepped out of a high end camping store like REI, i want to be European chic. Skirts, leggings, tops, dresses, scarves, a couple piece of jewelry (but i hope to find some fun accessories while i am abroad). Turkey is a more conservative country, but it is secular, so i want to be respectful.

Last weekend Dios joined me to find a new swimsuit. I was ready and willing to spend however much i needed to get something good quality and well fitting. With my 34DD girls, i want something supportive, as well as retro fashionable. Lucky me! The top is a black and white striped tankini and the bottoms black boy shorts. All together i spent $150 +!!!!! Yikes!!!!! This will last me a good long while, though.

Ugh. My headache is not gone and i am sick of my own inane chatter.

Last updated June 05, 2015

mellisonant June 05, 2015

Your poor back!
And please share Your traveling light tips. I know I've read some before but could use the refresher. :)

carmentheblue mellisonant ⋅ June 05, 2015

I have good posture, it helps ;)

Often i underpack- when i was in Europe for 6 weeks in 2001 i ended up having to shop at a thrift store in Prague.

I pack clothes i can wash and dry in my hotel/hostel- no jeans or high maintenance cloth. I try to pick pieces that match so i can mix them up. Scarves are good to add color or texture, or to cover your head for bad hair days (i.e. humid climates!). There is a lot of good advise online, too.

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