Hey there. After having read this entry, I've read all your other stuff. Not trying to be weird or anything, swear.

I think I used to have BDD. I hated mirrors because I my face basically looks shitty. And also, I'm overweight. It got to the point that I tried out Chinese herbs out of desperation. It worked somehow. Later I found out that it's being pulled out of the market because of tremendous health risks. Up to this day, I keep having mild chest pains. So please, don't make the same mistake that I've done.

You draw pretty well! Focus on that. I bet you have other things you're good at, too. I also draw, and it's one of the ways I've made friends at school. People wanted me to teach them, they had requests, plus it's a lovely hobby. Share it around, you'll never know.

Please don't think that you owe it to the world to look like a stick, makeup-laden model. That kind of thinking made me stop hating myself. If people are your friends just because you look pretty in a slutty dress, they're not your friends. That's just very immature and shallow. If you get bullied for what you look like, gawd knows how stupid that is. Basically, let's not stoop down to that level. I hope you start seeing things in a better perspective!

I hope that, when you get the courage to do things, it's not going to be for the sake of others. You'll want to do it because it's going to be for you. It's so important to love yourself. Before you give love to others, you must have it. I know because when I get bouts of depression, I tend to ignore my mother and be harsh to her at times. It's painful for me to do that to someone who loves me unconditionally, but I couldn't help it.

And your best friend. Mine is like that. He tends to say and do hurtful things. When I really try to think about it, he didn't mean any harm. It's just unlucky that I perceive the things he did the other way. I'm a master at passive-aggressiveness, and I lost him for months at a time whenever it came to that. It was nice that it only took you a week to be buddies again. So when we made up, I promised to tell him whenever I'm hurt. Because he's my friend and it sucks so bad without him. So go talk to your best friend. "I don't like it when _____ because it hurts a lot, etc." She might not be aware of your feelings, so do give it a shot.

...Yeah, this is long, sorry. But I mean them because I see a part of myself in you.