Friday to Juneau by Ferry in Still Listening to Spirit

  • Jan. 2, 2015, 3:48 a.m.
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It is time. I thought I could wait until the Sunday ferry to begin my quest for medical information in Juneau on Monday. I cannot. The pain is unremitting and bad. It eases somewhat with Aspercreme rubs and some anti-anxiety medicine (said med good for lots of things like stomach and muscles too).

I have asked Carol N to accompany me. She was less than enthusiastic on my first phone call but did set me straight on not to go down there before the 1st as everyone will still be on ‘vacation’ time and short staffed. I thought I could wait.

I decided to go by myself on Sunday. Settled with that, I took an hour nap. I have been sleeping about an hour at a time–a blessing indeed. Dolly called me saying that if I needed someone to go with me, she would go. She has some medical business with an orthotics vendor anyway.

I told her I would let her know. I love Dolly but her high energy and constant chatter and so on could drive me around the bend when I feel so bad. I called Madame in Seattle, who is recovering from a rather long and involved biopsy of the lump in her breast. Not too bad she says, she got to watch everything under local anesthesia and it was fascinating.

She said Dolly is perfect for this mission. In addition to her saying while she was praying God told her she needed to go to Juneau with me. Anyway, Dolly knows everyone who’s anyone in Juneau, is personal friends with the general manager of the motel we stay at and she can get things done. She is like a bulldog when she decides something and people quickly agree with her and so on.

So I called Dolly back and accepted her offer. We will go on the 2pm departure on the Ferry Friday, Tomorrow, and hit the emergency room right after getting there unless I am not so urgent, but I think it is best just to turn myself over to medical professionals as soon as possible.

Records were forwarded to Dr. Cook in Juneau, I will pack and get ready to go and Dolly and I will begin the journey. Dolly called me twice more, the last time she had talked to her friend at the motel and we were each getting a room for $25 a night as long as we need. How wonderful and fortunate is that?

Madame also said Dolly eats about 8 times a day, is always going over to the quick stop store across from the motel to get something to munch on so I would have a steady stream of almost anything I wanted from there she would fetch for me. She has also had several surgeries and so on in Juneau and knows her way around the hospital, etc.

So, I am off. The plan beyond getting on the ferry–leaving it up to God, the Universe, Spirit, and just suiting up and showing up, willing to do whatever is necessary to get rid of this pain once and for all.

Oh, Madame had gall bladder problems way back when. She said that pain is worse than any of her fibromyalgia pain! Whoa! And I thought I was being a big baby… I am still a bit short tempered with Bill, I better understand how hard it is to let your patient and kind side shine through when in pain. (although he wasn’t in pain, just sick and at my mercy).

I always apologize, but I really need to stop doing that instead of apologizing afterward.

Blessed be!

Daisy Mae January 02, 2015

My thoughts and healing vibes are being sent your way. Please let us know if there is anything we can do.

Silent Echo/Quiet Storm January 02, 2015

prayers the doctors will find what's causing the pain and can fix it quickly and with as little pain as possible. gall bladder pain is terrible. take care,

MageB January 02, 2015

Into action. Bravo. It does sound like Dolly was the right choice, and you are certainly doing the right thing. You know my thoughts and prayers are with you. Hollar if you need me.

noko January 02, 2015

I am glad you are going. May you be finding relief as I type this!

Everything Good Rebecca January 02, 2015

No more apologies, which reveal you are not letting go and letting Other(s) carry the burden. Love,

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