Madame's Mammogram in Still Listening to Spirit

  • Dec. 19, 2014, 7:42 p.m.
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Traci and I were supposed to talk today about my going to her to get cataract surgery done and for me to be there for support. I texted her at 7:30a my time to let her know I was awake. She texted me back at 11a to say her mother-in-law decided t visit and she had been cleaning house. She was going to take a shower and then call.

As I was waiting on her call, I became convinced that today isn’t the day to talk and I texted her back that we should talk Monday. I just became increasingly agitated waiting. I had the feeling that I just couldn’t be on the phone.

About 10 minutes later Madame called me crying. She and family are on the way to Yuma AZ to visit Greg’s parents for Christmas. They had to overnight in Juneau, so she took the opportunity to get her semi-annual mammogram while there.

Madame’s mother died of breast cancer when Madame was in her 20’s. A trip to Alaska while she was sick resulted in Madame living here. Madame has been advised to get mammograms as her risk is considered high.

Madame’s mammogram showed a large, fast growing mass in one breast. Upon getting in touch with our Clinic, she got hold of Lynne who went through this whole cancer of the breast thing and survived.

Lynne put Madame in touch with her physician in Seattle at Swedish Hospital there.

I told Madame I had a strong premonition the night before about the mammogram. Madame said “I know, I did too.” We talked about not panicking until she knows more and praying hard for a good result and no cancer. Either way the mass will have to be removed, possibly her whole breast.

Madame is going on to Yuma for Christmas and then staying in Seattle after for whatever treatment/surgery is necessary.

So, I am asking those of you who pray to pray for Madame. Those of you who aren’t pray-ers....start praying, it’s time you did. Pray to whatever you consider a power greater than yourself, pick something. A tree, the Spirit of Christmas, The Universe, jut pick one and pray.

In other news, Karla R delivered a small reusable bag of Christmas dinner array of food including half a ham from the Community on Thursday. Hub met her and thanked her. She asked if there was anything else w needed and he mentioned we could always use firewood.

Quite a change from years ago when we first got a ‘charity’ box and Hub told me to call them up and tell them to come get the box and give it to someone who needs it!

Thursday night around 8pm the dogs started barking and I heard noise outside. It was Karla and a couple of helpers stacking firewood from a pickup truck into the ‘crib’ we have built right outside the gate. Bill went out and thanked them.

God bless the people in this community. This is not just a Christmas season thing, whatever anyone can do to make another’s life better gets done. I am so blessed.

Blessed be!

Deleted user December 19, 2014

I've survived breast cancer myself and will definitely be sending out some healing prayers to Madame! I had a gut feeling that I had cancer, too, and was glad to know that I was right in that it was caught early enough that surgery and a few weeks of chemo then radiation were all that I needed. Yay for great and kind neighbors! Blessed be and blessed weekend, to you!

Hillbilly Princess December 19, 2014


Daisy Mae December 19, 2014

I will send healing thoughts to Madame, and to you.

noko December 19, 2014

My prayers are with you both.

MageB December 21, 2014

Lots of prayers from here too. Glad Bill is feeling more charitable....

ODSago December 27, 2014

I am so happy that you live in the community that you do and have these things that are there for you and are needed. Blessings on you and your husband. Of course. Poor Madam; she must be terrified. I will be holding her in my mediations, which are my most prayerful moments. And, you.

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