Twitter: Picture (#4 Today) in Book One: The Not So Daily Briefs 2014

  • Dec. 16, 2014, 12:05 p.m.
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Honestly… had no plans for this… had a completely different #4 in mind that will now be #5 meaning… yes, I’m a posting monster today. BUT… (1) I’ve never posted pictures of my friggin’ adorable niece yet; (2) It is sasquatch-level rare to get a photo of my sister in law; (3) the photo is slightly blurry enough that I don’t feel TOO bad about “violating privacy”; and (4) The t-shirts these two are wearing NEEDED to be shared as I hope they will absolutely MAKE someone’s DAY

As always with posted photos of people other than myself- please… IF YOU PERSONALLY KNOW ANYONE IN THESE PICTURES- please tell me and forgive me; I do not wish to violate their privacy nor complicate their IRL with my digital life.

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Last updated January 05, 2016

Fawkes Gal December 16, 2014

So awesome! :D

colojojo December 18, 2014

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