Yellow Yellow Teacher Lady in I'd Go The Whole Wide World...

  • Aug. 7, 2013, 10:03 p.m.
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If I could figure out how to include a photo here, I would show you what came of my attempt to look more adult.

Though I am 34 years old and have hip pain and slightly graying temples, I was told last year (my second year of teaching) that I would increase my ethos as a college instructor by appearing older. Because the student body at the school where I teach includes a large percentage of nontraditional students, and because I have a baby face, and because I (try) to be approachable, I am at risk of being seen as a peer. And according to administration, if I am seen as a peer, I will be:

Belittled. Berated. Bamboozled. Swindled. Suckered. Hit on.

I decided to try and seem more professional and move through the Peace Corps identity I put on a few years ago. I've really rather reveled in joyful dishevelment for the past five years, but it is now time to be

An Adult.

I had great hopes of being chic. As if a hair cut and dye could transform me magically from looking like a gleeful overgrown child into a PROFESSOR OF IMPORTANCE. Instead, I look like a dandelion. The hair dye took a little too well and my frizzled locks are sunny and chemically electrified.

Thus, my vanity is once again pierced.

Deleted user August 07, 2013

Awwww!!!! Hugs


JainneBAnthony Deleted user ⋅ August 07, 2013


NorthernSeeker August 07, 2013

I do hate bad hair days.

JainneBAnthony NorthernSeeker ⋅ August 07, 2013

Oh, Northern Teacher, if it were only a day. Alas, my hair has been an arch nemesis. I am very thankful for hats.

Ariadne August 08, 2013

Lady, I think you are gorgeous. I feel confident you are gorgeous with dandelion hair too. If it makes you feel better I too have been toying with looking the part of an adult, and it seems to go just as well for me.

JainneBAnthony Ariadne ⋅ August 08, 2013

Thanks, dear. Fortunately, I have REMEDIED the dandelion hair. My hair now looks fabulous. I'm excited.

Being an adult feels weird.

JainneBAnthony Ariadne ⋅ August 08, 2013

Thanks, dear. Fortunately, I have REMEDIED the dandelion hair. My hair now looks fabulous. I'm excited.

Being an adult feels weird.

Ariadne JainneBAnthony ⋅ August 08, 2013

Being an adult feels very weird. A little bit like having a secret and playing make-believe. At least, that's how it feels to me a lot.

I can't wait to see your hair!

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