
I'd Go The Whole Wide World...

by JainneBAnthony

Entries 9

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I don't feel like writing at all tonight. I would far prefer to be huddled on the couch watching mindless TV, but I am on a mission to find some stability and health. Since I know writing is good...

August 15, 2013

Don't Betray the Colony!

Tonight's entry will be short. I have not yet settled into my new house, and I'm bummed about this. I moved last Saturday and then started house-sitting for a friend on Monday. A long-time frien...

One of the annoying things about having a BentBrain, is getting an idea or a thought or a poem or a song lyric make its merry-go-round track in my synapses over and over and over until I want to ...

So I'm in this new city of ticky tacky houses that all look just the same and a highway renamed for Ronald Reagan and city blocks of Target, WalMart, and Chilis. I feel as flamboyant as a rainbow...

One of my dearest friends, who I met in graduate school, was diagnosed with ALS mid 2011. She was 32 when the doctor told her that this terminal illness that typically impacts middle aged men wou...

Today was the day I purchased a new vehicle and packed myself up for the third time this year. I'm so very very tired. My jaw aches, my brain pounds, and the world feels a little off kilter. ...

August 08, 2013

Dandelion Head Remedy

My baby-baby sister took the entire day to fix my dandelion head, and more generally make me over, and I wonder how women--ok, some men too, let's not be reductive and gendered and sexist--keep u...

August 07, 2013

Yellow Yellow Teacher Lady

If I could figure out how to include a photo here, I would show you what came of my attempt to look more adult. Though I am 34 years old and have hip pain and slightly graying temples, I was ...

in medias res I am jumping into the middle. Of boxes, and photos, and books, and the narrative. There's no backstory here, yet. 3 details: I'm out of medication. I'm watching TV for tee...

Book Description

A space for word vomit and unedited melancholy and frivolous joy.