Check? in Book One: The Not So Daily Briefs 2014

  • Dec. 2, 2014, 8:57 p.m.
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Just throwing something up here before the day is out.
Last night I couldn’t sleep again. Did some research on Celexa Withdrawal for my wife, tried not to think about sleep… finally caught a few winks around 4am.
So today, I tried to do things that would keep me from repeating that. I didn’t have any caffeine all day; I took a nice long walk and got a bunch of errands done; ate my vegetables; took a long hot bath… we’ll see what happens.
Oh, and about my wife… she was trying to get off the Citalopram cold turkey… due to the reaction, she has decided to go back to half pills and try to wean off more gradually. We’ll see what happens. Though… this is another reason why I feel bad she and I couldn’t find a marriage counselor… maybe with better access to health care in this city, I wouldn’t be an insomniac with super itchy skin… and maybe my wife wouldn’t be going through SSRI withdrawal while simultaneously existing in a minor state of arrested development that prevents her from connecting with her family.

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