I hate it when blacks play the race card without a care in the world who it effects. This really pisses me off because I was the victim of reverse discrimination about 15 years ago. I lost half a year of my life because of it and thousands of dollars. When I was finally vindicated I received not one single penny as compensation for the legal hell I was put through all for complaining about their noise and vandalism, and not knowing that they were good buddies with a cop who fabricated "evidence" against and who was also black.

Do I hate all blacks? Absolutely not. But I am disappointed with how so many of them are playing the race card without giving it anymore thought than we give to breathing. Other groups have gotten screwed over in the past too... Jews, gays, etc., yet they aren't nearly as vengeful. There's no need or excuse for this type of behavior. No one should be cheated out of their rights and no one should expect special treatment and extra rights either.