Do I have Internal Sexism? in Journal ◇ 2025
- Feb. 1, 2025, 1:58 p.m.
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Recently, I’ve been talking to some peers online who have wild sex lives. And I find myself judging them and I feel like maybe I’m too judgemental.
I know, you’re probably thinking, Mari you the girl who met someone offline in a hotel two months ago have the nerve to judge? That’s what I think to.
I guess I was thinking for a while I’ve done this but hey atleast I don’t have random hookups. I don’t let strange men take me to another location. I don’t have sex.
I didn’t even have sex in the hotel. But I guess I knew people would judge, maybe people like myself. I realized I was so afraid people would think bad of me because I’ve felt bad of people for doing the same in the past.
It’s hard to realize you’re judging others for the same things you’d do in another position or another life. If i stayed in the big city with more choices I’d probably have had sex already met guys in locations, etc.
I have no room to judge.
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