12:21am in 日記

  • Jan. 14, 2025, 10:21 a.m.
  • |
  • Public

My head is pounding from stress.

Today I caught a 9-year-old… jerkin’ his gerkin’ if you know what I mean.

I won’t go into detail but the tl;dr is that another teacher and I witnessed it, I reported it, and my boss told me they “may not” talk to his parents because we didn’t have “video evidence.”

Actual brain dead answer.

Part of me thinks that the other teacher who saw it wants to believe he wasn’t doing what he was doing but it was as clear as day to me.

I wish my coworkers had more of a spine. If this doesn’t get escalated to the students parents I will likely escalate it myself to higher management.

A boy can literally masturbate in public and there are no consequences? You’re out of your damn mind.

There is also the issue of: How does he know? Why does he know? Is he accessing parts of the internet that he shouldn’t? Is he experiencing sexual abuse?

My coworkers can only think of one thing, themselves.

“What if his parents don’t believe us without video?”
“What if his parents get offended?”

Who gives a fuck? Why do you care so much if his parents like you?

The poor kid probably doesn’t even understand the extent of what he was doing in public so I can’t be too mad at him but I’m upset that my coworkers are treating this like another day, another cycle.

Stupid shit, truly.

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