Treated Myself! in YES YES YES!

  • Dec. 24, 2024, 3:20 p.m.
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  • Public

Today I went into three lovely local gift shops and bought myself 3 things!

In shop B, I’m 60 in April of 2025 so bought myself a mug with 60 on it! At least I can’t forget my up-coming age! £19.99. And also, as I have a weird obsession with drinking bottles…I have quite a few… I grabbed a eco-friendly one, metal, green, with sheep all over it! £22.99! Shop A I bought myself a white metal water bottle with sheep on it for £24.99!

I actually have 3 refillable bottles on my works desk, at home there’s 3 on my bedside table - one is full of fizzy pop, another with water and another with fruit juice, another on my home desk!

In shop L I bought a lovely ‘’toweling’’ scarf, quite fluffy and soft, cream coloured for £19.99!

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