Number two, order up in Stuff
- Dec. 17, 2024, 8:54 a.m.
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Has anyone felt like shitting their pants? Like constantly? That's what this new medication is doing to me. There's been a few close calls. I don't know how I've been going to work while dealing with this shit :P
At first, I wasn't sure what was causing it, as Vish and James are back from Japan and came over to visit me on Saturday night, and we went out for Indian food. And, well, Indian food can have a reputation. But we've eaten at this establishment plenty of times and the food was yummy and didn't taste weird or anything. Then I heard that there is a bout of gastro going around, so maybe I just got that from a customer at work?
But I'd been to the dentist on Friday, and it was a quite a rough session, and with my actual dentist this time. He was more concerned about my top left tooth than any of the recommendtions his colleague had recommended I get done (ie, get both my wisom teeth out and a get a crown done - I think she'd just in it for the money tbh), so he showed me the x-rays that she'd taken and explained to me about that top left tooth. Apparently it can be saved, but he isn't totally sure, it will just depend on how it goes. He wants to try and save it, as those top teeth, if I get them removed, can potentially cause sinus issues. So that's a bit scary. Although I have lost that same one on the other side many years ago (after a failed root-canal) and things seem to be fine, so who knows, but I trust his judgement. Anyway, that session came to $650 (I paid $240 with my health insurance) but either way, the cost of one tooth these days is fucked in Australia. And I have to go back in January when they reopen, for him to check how it's going. But anyway, because it was a rather rough dental session, he had to irritate my gum quite a bit, and he's worried about potential infection, so he prescribed me two lots of medication. One is to stop any infection, and the other is a paracetamol/codeine mix for if/when I have pain. I haven't needed the pain one, thankfully, but the other one is a course of antibiotics, so I've been taking them. Or rather, I've taken eight of them so far, and have twelve left, but holy shit (literally) Batman. I might as well be talking around with the toilet attached to my arse, that's how bad the side effects are.
So I'm pretty sure I've pinpointed it to that, and I looked up the side effects of this particular medication and, surprise surprise, the number one (or two in this case) side effect can be severe diarrhea (I never know how to spell that word). It also states to stop taking the medication if it is severe (which I believe it is for me) so I've done that and have contacted my dentist to ask for their advice on if it's safe to stop. Of course my dentist isn't on today, but I've been told they are going to ring me back, so I'm just waiting on that. I know I only have twelve pills left, which is like three more days, but I just don't want to deal with rushing to find a bathroom for the next 36 hours+ until all of this is out of my system.
Anyway, that's enough of me talking about being the constipated bird from Scary Movie, and I'm sorry if you were eating your dinner reading this.
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