10:42pm in 日記

  • Dec. 8, 2024, 7:42 a.m.
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It’s been a hot minute since I’ve wrote anything about my life in any shape or form.

I lived in a share house between May - early December. I finally moved to my own apartment over the weekend. It feels nice to have something of my own, something private. Though, I internally stress over the additional bills that pile on.

The share house wasn’t awful. Imagine 14 women living in one building. We all have our own rooms, but we share 2 kitchens, 3 showers, and 2 toilets. The shared areas varied in cleanliness, sometimes things got downright disgusting, but the building management had someone clean once a week.

While there I never cooked, shameful I know. My problem was we were expected to share pots and pans (our rooms were like tin cans, no closets or storage) and the majority of the time the people who used those items - never cleaned them. The rice cooker was always running, as if they were all keeping a watchful eye on it for the next time they could start their own rice.

Laundry was thankfully not the worst part of the ordeal. I will actually miss the drying machine as my new apartment works on outdoor drying or bathroom drying. Here is to hoping my clothes don’t ever smell of mildew.

With limited funds and opportunities, I didn’t use a moving company. I traveled back and forth, with suitcases to transport everything I own. Three trains, 15 minute walk to the apartment. I did this over and over again, more times than I’m willing to admit. It was exhausting, my weekend unfortunately was not a reprieve from “working” in a sense.

And tomorrow, I get up bright and early for a 6-day week. I’m so excited to continue to sell my life to this company! Looking for other job opportunities is on my list of responsibilities for the new year.

Mentally, I’m in a better place than before. However, it waivers. Maybe tomorrow I won’t feel so positively. Who knows.

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