New Car on the Cards in Days of My Destiny

  • Oct. 25, 2014, 12:26 a.m.
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So my lovely vehicle has too many blind spots.. as a result, I have had far too many dings on it than I’d like to count..... therefore.... this is the next car I want....

Zippy, fuel efficient. It may not be what I get.. still umming and ahhing on the boot space.

When we bought my current car, one of the things we really wanted was boot space and fuel efficiency… but now.. we don’t foresee needing the boot space AS MUCH, as we are passed the pram stage with our kids.... I envisage using the boot for groceries and items needed for possible school camping trips for the girls...... if we want to go camping as a family, we’d take L’s car, which fits everything… even then, he wants to upgrade and his next vehicle would fit everything too....

We’ll see what happens :)

As of the end of this year, M will no longer need a car seat… which opens up our options a little bit… Little L will only be in a car seat for another 3 years.....

Life is moving at a positive, steady enough pace.

I’d really like that car :) But still staying open-minded. I had originally thought of a hybrid car, but when I researched, I realized that hybrid cars are great for city driving, because they charge the battery as you brake… and right now, and for the next 2 years, I’ll mostly be doing highway driving, which means less braking, which would mean that the battery of a hybrid would rarely get recharged, because I rarely do stop-start driving...... so I’m thinking that THAT car would be the one for me, at least for the next two years. I’m not crossing off the idea of a hybrid, I’m just seeing what would suit us best for the kind of driving we do right now. That car would seriously cut our fuel consumption and costs by half… which is pretty awesome.

Last updated October 25, 2014

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