Coughy McCoughCough in Stuff

  • June 22, 2024, 8:31 a.m.
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I’m still feeling like shit.
I keep mentally telling myself that I need to take leave every Winter because I sure as hell hate the cold. So many of my friends love it, but not for me. Everyone is just sick and spluttering all over the place, including me now. If I just go away, my chances of this happening will be less right? Granted, I am irritable with this cough that won’t quit. It’s ruined my routine and my work and gym, although I will say my abs have never looked better from all the coughing!
I have the intention to go into work with it tomorrow, as it’s clearly not going anywhere and five days bed-bound is starting to do my head in tbh. I’m just going to have to make a break for it and go outside each time I feel a coughing fit coming on, and avoid customers as best I can, so I’m already anxious about it. I may be asked to go home if a customer complains. Ergh. Fuck this.

I feel like I had a brief reprieve from it this afternoon, as I decided to have a nap with my windows open (so I think the natural air helps and my portable air-conditioner blowing dry air may be contributing to my coughing), but now that’s it’s night-time again and it’s 10 degrees outside, I’ve closed my windows up again. I’m trying the air-con instead to see if it makes any difference. I can also smell smoke, so I think the backburning is still happening (another reason to fuck off somewhere else during Winter here). Last night, my coughing was near out of control. I’m sure I would have kept my housemate up all night with it. He thinks I’ve given him something, as he has a sore throat, but I don’t have a sore throat, so who knows. I’m near-sure that I’ve got Mycoplasma pneumoniae, just going from what people on Reddit in my city are saying in a thread titled, ‘Has anyone else got the sickness going around?’
Some nurses are confirming it is either that or Rhinovirus, as they are the main two circulating at the moment, but my symptoms seem to match the first one more, so I’m going with that. No cure for it, just have to ride it out - as I suspected. My throat swabs won’t come back until probably Tuesday, to be safe, so I’ll go in then to make sure. I emailed my doctor’s practice to ask for a replacement medical certificate, but heard nothing back. Pretty lame if you ask me.
Really thinking of changing doctor’s tbh. I feel like I should be going to a gay doctor anyway and mine seem pretty old-school.
Trying everything I can think of to help ease the symptoms. So much ginger-lemongrass tea and breathing in steam from a bowl. Sleeping with my head elevated helps, but doing that means I need to be careful I don’t put my damn neck out - LOL, getting old is fun, guys!
The fatigue is unreal! Although I don’t know if that’s from this or long Covid, as I only had that fairly recently too. But Covid (at least this time) was nothing compared to this bitch.
I will just have to cough my way through the next few days and keep complaining in my diary about it :)

Last updated June 22, 2024

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