11:00pm in 日記

  • May 6, 2024, 4 p.m.
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  • Public

Drunk and alone, walking home.
I stop at the nearby shrine, divulging in the truths I’m afraid to admit.

I reach the park. The grass is so green and full of life. unlike me.
I take off my socks and shoes, and I traverse the park in my bare feet.

The wet grass and soft soil feel so good beneath my feet.
I feel so thankful for this opportunity.

When gravel and pavement arrives, I don’t shy away from the challenge.
I walk across these sharp stones telling myself it’s my personal punishment.

Maybe I’ll learn to be more grateful and in the moment if my feet are a constant reminder.

I walk home, barefoot and drunk, sort of hoping someone will take away my thoughts and future in an instant.

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