11:38pm in 日記

  • April 8, 2024, 3:52 a.m.
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  • Public

I wish I could be mad for myself but I feel like that would be coddling too.

Everything is falling apart because I was ill prepared, and not because of anyone else.

The person who offered to watch my pet for a little while I figure life out on the other side, and eventually ship the little baby, backed out today. It feels last minute, with only 2 weeks and all, but I also don’t feel anything towards her about this.

I understand it was a huge responsibility she was taking on, and that she’d ultimately determined she wasn’t capable of such a job.

I am sadly the type of person who really struggles to ask for any form of help. For my pet, however, I have begged several people for help and I’m still left to pick up the pieces.

Sometimes I wonder if there are people who are destined to “figure it out” on their own for the rest of their lives. If my life will always be a series of me catching everyone else, and then also having to land on my feet in the process.

Anyways, I’ll figure it out.
I always seem to.

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