1:57am in 日記

  • April 7, 2024, 2:19 a.m.
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  • Public

I move to Japan in two weeks.
I can feel the weight of everything on top of me, yet the stress I experience doesn’t motivate me.

I’m confident in my want to go to Japan, however, I’m not confident I want to be a working member of society.
I’m 24 yet I hate the idea that I was born to slave away.

The thought of spending the next 60 years, scratch that, the next 10 years, clocking into my job 5 days a week makes me want to crawl out of my skin.

The first few months may be bliss.
And then I’ll settle in and realize that no matter what I do with my life I can’t seem to find true content.

But, who knows, what if this move is the start of something different for me?

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