disability and welfare for life? in Hi This is Kat!

  • March 20, 2024, 3:20 p.m.
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I am a firm believer that NO ONE should live on disability or welfare for life! Makes them feel they are entitled and lazy! Now if you are totally disabled and cannot use your arms that might be an exception but if a person is able to type online or on a phone they are able to work! They need to learn how hard it is to earn a weeks wage!
The government should make people who get disability longer than a year work at least 30 hours doing a job they are able to. if they can walk they can pick up trash along the side of the roads.... they can work at call centers, they can work in animal shelters, they can great people at Walmart, they can do day care jobs or work in nursing homes, they can hold flags for road construction…many jobs can work around their handicap needs!
I had an employee who was very handicapped… he was in a wheel chair and only had partial use of one arm. He was mentally very slow but he was able to put stickers on items. he was slower than most but it gave him pride.

Elderly people should not have to but if you are under 65 years old… you should have to work at least part time. People with disabilities can earn money and still get the disability so it is a win win!

if you can push a broom at home you are able to work part time!
I am a democrat so this post is not anti welfare.... but so many people USE the system because they are lazy! They want the easy money. Now I know now everyone is. If you made people who actually can walk bend use their arms work for 20 to 30 hours FREE to earn money 90% would get off welfare and disability and find a better paying job.

Even the very mentally disabled are able to take bags at McDonalds out to the cars waiting.

now if you have worked your ass off your whole life and become disabled.... you have earned your way but if you have a learning disability and really never worked 40 hours a week for years… maybe you are able to make changes in your life?

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