10 Things About Me in 2020s

  • March 12, 2024, 5:17 a.m.
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  • Public

Stealing this from Lost in the Lights.

  1. I love rats.

  2. I have a rare sleep disorder which means I stay up a little later each day.

  3. I prefer sweet over salty.

  4. I prefer coffee over tea.

  5. I’m a short, green-eyed brunette.

  6. I would love to move to Hawaii.

  7. I’m about 90% antisocial.

  8. I do not forgive or forget.

  9. I’m about 95% sure there’s no God and 100% non-religious.

  10. I’m pro-choice and a supporter of the gay community but I do not support sending billions of dollars to other countries or allowing tens of thousands of migrants into my country on a daily basis to hog our resources.
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