Raping me sideways in The OpenDiary (OD) Days!

Revised: 10/12/2014 4:45 p.m.

  • Oct. 4, 2005, 10 a.m.
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  • Public

Raping me sideways - 10/5/2005

<font color="#ffcc99">Oooooook, my computer just randomly shut itself down whilst I was reading my Favourites entries - ok, who was it!!? lol :P</font>

<font color="#ffcc99">Some of the notes left on my last entry really hit home hard I guess, but I guess that’s what you guys are there for.  I’m convinced and have been for ages that homosexual relationships are extremely different to heteresexual ones.  Hetero’s have it way easier I believe cos it’s socially acceptable and can show their affection for each other in public.  I believe that those in long-lasting homosexual relationships really have to try so hard to make it work, as they have so much against them.  They are such an inspiration.  And yeh my situation might suck right now, but it has it’s pros and cons just like everything in life.</font>

<font color="#ffcc99">Today was pretty boring.  Went to work and got the first full day out of the way.  I soent like 4 hours on checkouts as like 4 ppl called in sick - I think I spent more time in their damn department than I did in my own.  Anyway, I’m still proud of what I got done, even if it could’ve been a whole lot more.</font>

<font color="#ffcc99">I’m hanging out with him tomorrow.  I just confided in my best mate Sam on MSN so I feel a little better, and updated him on everything that’s happening.  Turns out Joshy dumped his bf for him, so he’s happier than ever LOL.  I knew it’d happen.  I’m so happy for him finally getting something he really wanted, and someone he really cares for.  Damn I wish he wasn’t on the other side of the country!</font>

<font color="#ffcc99">I’m still waiting for my shower to be repaired.  It’s annoying having luke warm showers every morning.  Nev’s waiting for the Landlord to get back to him about it.  This house is owned by some Indian guy named Ramish or Remish or something like that, pronounced the way I’ve written it.  My ex Mark wants to come over this weekend, but I’m really not sure what’s happening this weekend yet, so I’ve been putting it off.  I’m really not good with my timing on my days off, especially if two or more things are happening.  But I don’t think anything is this weekend.  Next weekend I’ll be going down to Surfer’s Paradise for a friend from Toowoomba’s 21st.  That’ll be so fun!  I’m gunna head down Saturday night after work though cos that’s the best I can do grrr.  Damn work.  So I’ll stay overnight and then head back.  I’ve been tryna figure out if that’s this weekend or next.  I think it’s next.  God, 3 work days to GO grrrrr.  Hope the rest of the week isn’t as hell as today was, it rapes me sideways sometimes.</font>

Notes: --------------------------------------------------------------------

really, you shouldn’t trivialize rape like that…
I almost didn’t get through writing that without laughing ;) [J HENRY] 10/5/2005 10:34:28 AM

Sorry to hear the day had raped you sideways but the bright side is you got sexed up right? lol
Anyhow I do hope the rest of the world grows up and gets over the whole gay thing. If you love someone you have a right like everyone else to show it.....
Huggs Matt have a good day
[Mermy] 10/5/2005 10:34:33 AM

You’re SO right. Heteros have it so much easier because they CAN be affectionate in public, and we guys have to actually WORK towards being subtle just because those stupid straight pseudo-good-Theist assholes can’t deal with… untangles self ngh, I won’t get into this now on your diary, =)

And ehh, his name’s prolly Ramesh. Ramesh..es are weird, so… stay as far from him as possible. [Nesstwy.] [p] 10/5/2005 12:41:12 PM

Aww…sorry to hear about your day. I wouldn’t hold your breath about the shower. Indians are generally really cheap. My mom is the perfect example of this. Another thing, I just read this article about a book in France called Jean a deux mamans (John has two mommies). Everyone was getting upset because it was in a public library. Just another example about the stupidity of homophobia. [broken.wings.] 10/5/2005 12:47:37 PM

Hopefully, the world will change enough that this particular double standard will fade away in our lifetimes…Have a good time with him [broken.wings.] 10/5/2005 12:48:23 PM

You can’t rape the willing; and what I mean by that is - don’t let it get to you :) [CollegeDude84] 10/5/2005 12:52:39 PM

interesting title . . . i want to see a picture of HIM
[Prince Zidane] [p] 10/5/2005 1:07:40 PM

you’re added. but stay on your toes, or i’ll have to remove you. diary policy, babe. i still <3 you, though.
[Aphroditus] [p] 10/5/2005 1:14:16 PM

What a catching title. Sounds like you have as much fun tracking your days off and whats going on on those days as do I. Well what ever the case this weekend hopefully you make the best of it and have a good time. NExt week will hopefully bring you better days at work too. Big hugs to you.. [LilGayBoiBluEyes] 10/5/2005 1:26:19 PM

;0) Have a great weekend whatever you may do. [The Cherry] 10/5/2005 2:44:22 PM

Gay relationships…wow, I’ve learned alot about the cultural differance and the diversity shock we all get from transitioning into our own relationships. All we have to go off of are the models all around us, and suddenly, we find that those are pure crap. I’ll post something…just for you. I did a paper a while back on the emergance of the gay couple…maybe I can remember most of my insights. [yellow_bull] 10/5/2005 3:03:15 PM

Hey, what is your MSN screen name? I’m hardly on but would love to chat when I am. =)

Have a great Downunder day!

-Tom [yellow_bull] 10/5/2005 3:03:50 PM

lukewarm showers are a pain in the proverbial [The_Blind_Archer] 10/5/2005 4:07:55 PM

You think your work is bad? I was told yesterday we have 8 hours mandatory overtime so I’m coming in at 6 am. And 10 hours next week so I’ll be coming in at 6 am every day. 18 hours of time and a half will look great on my next paycheck. Now if only I could get some sleep. You can have my hot showers. Plenty of hot water at 4 am when I get up. At least no work on Saturday. That’d suck sideways. [mobyduck] 10/5/2005 5:17:38 PM

I forgot what I was going to write… It was something along the lines of… yeah - no I forgot sorry.

[tisk] 10/5/2005 6:30:04 PM

:) Is your island fun? :) [Archer_Mage] 10/5/2005 9:20:02 PM

ok.. by reading the title i REALLY thought u got raped and i felt so bad! hahahaha.. ok not laughing at the rape part ofcourse.. ahem just a random noter here.. and i love billy gillman too! hes such a cutie [abee02] 10/6/2005 12:30:55 AM


Last updated October 12, 2014

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