welcome to the jungle in Hi This is Kat!

  • Oct. 6, 2023, 10:30 a.m.
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the jungle of statues! I have at least 15 statues… most are 4 ft tall a couple are 5 and one is 6ft… it will never be moved again as 5 men could not lift it!

I went to the doctor with Jo yesterday.... he gave me signals he thought she was not doing well at all! Jo is Kinda having memory issues now. When he brought that up to Jo about how the hospital was concerned.... she replied I wondered why the hospital people could not remember my name… they kept asking me. So that is what she got out of that.

He was talking about how if these numbers kept going up there is nothing they can go for her and she replied then I get to go to the glory!

I felt she was acting silly but now looking back I believe it could be her logic is off.
He told me he would talk more about it Wednesday when I go to my appt.
He knows I am POA

Jodie October 06, 2023

In ICU they always ask you what day it is and what year and your name because they want to see if your memory is still there.
When the doctor was talking to Jo did he get the impression that she just wants to die and she doesn't care anymore and she wishes they would just put her out of her misery? You think they will do that?

theKat Jodie ⋅ October 06, 2023

no doctor will do that.. and I have no idea what he thought

Jodie theKat ⋅ October 06, 2023

Oh Okay.

Asenath Waite Jodie ⋅ October 06, 2023

I know Canada has assisted suicide, but it's only legal in a few states here. Ours is a comparatively backward country.

Jodie Asenath Waite ⋅ October 06, 2023

It all started when
this happeend....

Yeah I know and there are a lot of things that make no sense to me like the border at Mexico.

Asenath Waite Jodie ⋅ October 06, 2023

About a third of our population is incredibly racist. That's the shortest way to put it. And half of our "news" is racist, sexist, homophobic propaganda, helping to keep things that way. Because the republican party counts on bigotry to get them elected.

It's beyond terrible.

Jodie Asenath Waite ⋅ October 06, 2023

And here in canada we go to jail for this...

Asenath Waite Jodie ⋅ October 06, 2023

If it weren't for the crazy housing prices, Canada would be a utopia.

Jodie Asenath Waite ⋅ October 06, 2023

This is what the B.C. governemnt is doing about the housing issue...But t will take a lot of time.


Asenath Waite Jodie ⋅ October 06, 2023

Yep. Utopia.

theKat Jodie ⋅ October 06, 2023

USA Does a lot! look at their numbers 76 billion vs Canadas 7 million over 7 years

Jodie theKat ⋅ October 06, 2023

Yeah but the cost to build has sky rocketed and that is why no one can afford to live here anymore. But then canada is alot smaller then the USA.
Population: 38,930,000 Canada 333,288,000 USA

theKat Jodie ⋅ October 06, 2023

our country is about 8 times as big yet the amounts showed USA giving more per people.

Jodie theKat ⋅ October 06, 2023

I sure hope none of the programs the people have acess to won't get cut.

theKat Jodie ⋅ October 06, 2023

oh that is police... but in reality they don't cut them. and so many people also donate money to these funds it helps too

Jodie theKat ⋅ October 06, 2023

what about SS and meicaid and medicle? If trump gets in he will cut those also and the FBI.

Asenath Waite Jodie ⋅ October 06, 2023

Not to interrupt, but that would require the house and the senate. The republicans want to "sunset" social security if they ever get control of both. They know it would be the death of the party to cut it for current recipients. They want to make it so that in a few years, no one new can get on it.

Still pretty freaking terrible.

theKat Jodie ⋅ October 06, 2023

It is just as likely that Canada to get rid of theirs too???? I hope nothing like that happens to either country. but it might sound rude... if it did happen it would not effect me

Sleepy-Eyed John October 06, 2023

Sad about your friend.

Nice statues!

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