Magnesium help morning sickness,cleaninf RIP dad's garage in Just Life

  • June 20, 2023, 12:33 p.m.
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About 14 weeks ago I miscarried. During the pregnancy I craved potatoes but had bad morning sickness. I tried everything I could just to get a break. A herbalist on TikTok said magnesium helps with morning sickness I really wish I knew this information while I was still pregnant. Knowledge is power. I hope someone can use this information and have a safe happy pregnancy.

My husband has taken a week off for vacation. Yesterday we went in the garage trying to organize it from where my brother made it disgusting and left This was my daddy’s garage he sadly died in 2018. Mom had a mental breakdown in 2022 and now lives at my house. She refuses to clean up her property so I have been primarily doing it by myself. My husband knows the garage has heavy equipment so he decided help me tidy up. Yesterday I began to put items up where they once were when daddy was alive. I was telling him stories about the vehicles we fixed and the projects we once did. For a moment dad still felt like her was there I found great comfort talking with my husband. I have every intention of making this me and my husband garage to do our repairs in. I promise daddy your tools will be used and memories made.

I am currently at work now. After work Talan and I are going to get some coffee and start organizing and cleaning the garage. I was hoping to mow mom’s grass but I think it’s going to rain today. Maybe I can do repairs to the lawnmowers that were given to me last week. I got to get back to work.

Asenath Waite June 20, 2023

It's wonderful that you're reclaiming it. :)

MyCatZiggy Asenath Waite ⋅ June 20, 2023

I promised daddy I would care for the property since he died I been caring for my schizophrenic mother and cleaning up her property. She is living at my house and cry's everything she sees the damage she did to her home during the worse of her mental illness. I refuse to let her home waste. I am trying to clean the mess she left behind.

Asenath Waite MyCatZiggy ⋅ June 20, 2023

I know. I read most of your entries. I hope you take some pictures when you're done. It's such a massive project, you're kind of a hero to that house, and to your parents.

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