Jealousy and me in Just me

  • June 15, 2023, 3:39 p.m.
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Yes, i used to be a very jealous person, i mean so jealous i couldn’t even think straight. i believed that i just wasn’t enough, not pretty enough, not sexy enough, not really what they want. A poly friend has helped me with it, i think it is healthy to feel jealous sometimes, but it’s not healthy to fixate on it or start to have horrible thoughts about yourself and/or others.. because i did. i know honest communication with both sides helps. i just need reassurance. i wasn’t always great about communicating my feelings, that was new to me, i am still working on that and i always will. i know i am enough. i also know that if someone wants to leave then they will, there’s nothing i can do except communicate and express how i feel, no matter how much i love them, will i fight? Hell yes i will. In the end, the decision will always be theirs. i don’t have that control.

Deleted user June 15, 2023

Jealousy is insecurity and fear. Glad I gave it up. Or just said baby you ain't worth this bullshit emotion.

This is my life Deleted user ⋅ June 16, 2023

im working on it 😊

Deleted user This is my life ⋅ June 16, 2023

I wish I had learned it sooner long ago. Never too late for me NOT to be an asshole about relationships ;-) I believe you are a good person. Hoping all is good with you at this writing.

This is my life Deleted user ⋅ June 17, 2023

Thank You so much 😁💋

Sleepy-Eyed John June 16, 2023

Jealousy is natural. It's part of mate-guarding, which everyone does. But it's good you managed to overcome the more toxic variation of it.

This is my life Sleepy-Eyed John ⋅ June 16, 2023

Thank You.. i didn't react so well in the past.

Sleepy-Eyed John This is my life ⋅ June 16, 2023

How did you react?

It's all a journey.. straight towards death.

This is my life Sleepy-Eyed John ⋅ June 16, 2023

Ain't that the truth.. i shut Him out, didn't communicate my feelings. i know better, i am better than that.

Sleepy-Eyed John This is my life ⋅ June 16, 2023

Oh okay. So no boiled bunnies?

That's good I like bunnies.

This is my life Sleepy-Eyed John ⋅ June 17, 2023

Lol nothing too crazy!

i like bunnies too 😁

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