Rinse and Repeat in Thirty-Eight

  • May 23, 2023, 10:05 a.m.
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  • Public

Hey friends, how are we all doing this Tuesday morning?

So, off of my last entry (which you can go read if you want), we got the car sold to Carvana, but not without a few problems. The experience with Carvana was great, we had absolutely no problems there. But the Journey is what gave us problems.

So we got it going, and we were dumb, yes, we didn’t prepare it right, we just kind of got up and went in it. So yeah our fault.

But anyway, so we got up that Wednesday morning and headed down to Deming. I followed Randy that way it would be easier for me to see if something happened. Well we drove down to Deming with no problems. Got to the Gas station and put gas, then had to have someone jump it for us. So got that done and we left from there.

Well we pulled out onto the road and then Randy started getting in the lane to turn right, but we needed to turn left. Well the dang Journey overheated. So we parked it in the Blake’s (burger joint) parking lot and tried to let it cool off, but then it wouldn’t start.

So I told him to just let Blake’s know we were going to leave it there, and that we would just go to El Paso and then figure out a way to get home. I posted asking if anyone was making that trip that day and no one was, so we got no bites there. We did have one person who might have been able to take us, but they were busy until 5.

Our appointment was at 3, so it wasn’t too long of a wait for them.

But we got the stuff taken care of at Carvana and the guy that was helping us told us to wait after he was done with our paperwork. So when he came back he was like “You guys are my last clients of the day, so I can take you to your car in Deming.” so that was super nice of him.

When we got to Deming we tried starting the car again, even tried jumping it with his charger that we were in, and no dice, so he offered to drive us the extra 30 minutes all the way home. Super nice of him and I left him a great review with Carvana. Super awesome dude.

Anywho, so we got home and just kind of chilled out that day. We were going to get a uhaul and a tow dolly or trailer to bring it home if we could find a ride to Deming, but we couldn’t, so we finally just got someone to tow it from Deming for us. Then we had to put it on the charger and then we got it in the yard. That’s where it’s been sitting.

We got it charged and used it a day and then the battery died again and it was overheating. So we filled the water reservoir back up, changed the oil and test drove it and it still overheated. So we got a new thermostat and replaced it and all of that and then the battery just died completely. So now I have to figure out how to get to walmart to get a new battery. UGH

I know we will get this dang car running but damn it sucks right now because we live so far from town that it takes two days to plan for someone to take me to walmart from here lol.

Anywho, the main thing is that we have the means to fix it and that’s important. It would be a different story if we just had a busted ass car and couldn’t do anything about it. Le sigh.

I don’t really know what else to say at the moment. Have a good one!

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