31 Days of EDS/HSD: Day 4- Shine A Light On Another Type of EDS in Hypermobile Life

  • May 4, 2023, 1:07 p.m.
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  • Public

I am taking part in #MyEDSChallenge and #MyHSDChallenge with the Ehlers Danlos Society. Since May is EDS awareness month, every day I will be sharing something about myself and my EDS journey to drive further awareness and community.


Day 4- Shine A Light On Another Type of EDS

Let’s Shine a light on Classical EDS !

-Classical EDS is a truely rare disorder unlike hEDS and HSD
-It accounts for 7% of all EDS cases.
-It affects 1 in 20,000 people.
-It is caused by a mutation of any of the following genes:
- This can be diagnosed by a geneticist using DNA testing.
-Symptoms are basically the same as other types of EDS but people with classical EDS tend to have stretchier, & more velvety skin.

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