Second procedure in Stuff

  • Sept. 5, 2022, 8:50 a.m.
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I had my second surgical procedure done today on my right leg - the foam injections. It went relatively well and I’m in nowhere near as much pain as I was after the horrid first procedure. Two of the injections in particular were quite painful, but the rest were “tolerable” (that’s how my doctor described what the pain would be like.) However, I was gritting my teeth with all the injections and told him I just didn’t have a great pain threshold. Anyway, so I’m back in my stocking for a further four days, and have to do the whole wrapping in clingwrap thing again when I shower, but oh well. I kind of just want to take them off to shower and put them on again after, but the doctor did say to keep them on, so yeah, guess I’ll deal with it. I just hate getting the stocking wet. I go back in a week’s time for another follow-up and to get any pooled-up blood drained, and then have to have another procedure afterward. I’m unsure if that procedure is on the same leg or the other leg. The doctor seems a bit all over the place at times with what he has and hasn’t done with me. I guess it’s been six weeks between procedures and he has a lot of patients in that time, but still it’s a bit weird when he’s looking at the other leg (which hasn’t been touched) and wondering why it still looks “awful” (umm, because I’ve only had the right leg done!). It doesn’t look awful to me - to me it’s not even an issue (cosmetically at least) but last time (three weeks ago) he told me he’d inject both legs, but today he told me he could only do one, which was thanfully the right leg. The worst part about me being such an introvert is that I don’t speak up enough. I just assume the doctor knows what he’s doing, as I’ve read the good reviews and he’s been so personable with me. I think it’s just a money-grab, personally, to get me in there a heap of times, despite him actually telling me he prefers to do as fewer treatments as possible. All I know is that the latest is, I’ll have one more procedure. Today’s was $630 (with about $130 back on Medicare) and the next one will be the same. Sure as hell better than the $3200 that the first procedure cost (although I am amazed at those results, so that is priceless to me).
I texted mum the latest updates, as she had a similar procedure done back in her day, at least the injections part. Apparently my niece is about to pop out another kid in a few days - you know, to remind me yet again how old I’m getting.

In other news, the romper I was looking at getting from that website is no longer listed (booo haha, but it was like $130 so probably a good thing) so I couldn’t buy that for the Sophie Ellis-Bextor concert (it was only an idea). I did however buy a pretty cool animation shirt that I am thinking of wearing instead. I also bought a matching set of other clothing and, don’t judge me… two wigs LOL. One is blonde and the other dark. I don’t know why, but I thought “why not” whilst I was on the site, and if ever I decide to bring Amanda out of hibernation again, I’ll be part of the way there. I’m half-interested in learning how to do drag make-up, not because I want to be a drag queen (too expensive), but so I don’t look bad if I dabble. Why am I so strange? :D

I’m finding it very hard to find decent (or even mediocre) accommodation for Mardi Gras next year. Even booking a place for four nights over the main weekend is $1200-$1500, which is ridiculous. The place I stayed at last time is going for $1750, when last time (in 2020) I paid around $650 for the same days! Usually I am okay paying $150 a night when on holiday, but $350 a night is taking the piss, personally. Fucking crazy inflated prices, all because of world pride, and probably making up for Covid. I have tentatively reserved a place with free cancellation (just in case), but right now, I’m thinking it’s not even worth it, especially with most of the parties already being sold out. My social anxiety tends to keep me away from booking those anyway, and they’d have been hugely inflated prices also. But as it’s World Pride, I’d probably drag myself out to one of the clubs at least, and see a play or two. Fortunately for these money-grabbing event parasites, they know that most gays have pink-dollar disposable income (which doesn’t go toward children or families), so they’ve sold them out anyway. The main afterparty, Laneway and the Bondi Beach party are all sold out. There are still tickets to the opening concert, which are $45 for the general admission area, and it’s outdoors (so more Covid-safe) and I’d have to bring a picnic blanket to sit on, so thats an option but I don’t have anybody to go with so I’d be sitting on it by myself and feeling self conscious (but what else is new?). Anyway, I might still go and deal with that price. It’s not like Australia will be getting a World Pride again in my lifetime anytime soon. The other option is to fork out $250 for a backpackers, but ever since Covid, I’m feeling breathing the same air as at least three other people in the same small room isn’t that appealing. Strangly enough, I’ll still stay in one when traveling internationally, as I much prefer spending that money on experiences, so why not in my own country? I did consider those ‘pod’ options, as they’d be more Covid Safe, but being as tall as I am, I feel I’d be quite cramped in one of those, and I’m a bit worried about ventilation.

Work was a bit crazy over the weekend due to Riverfire. I was exhausted so just watched it on TV. I heard the jets fly overhead as I was still at work then.
I’m glad I had the foresight to order in two extra pallet of ice (something that the managers hadn’t evn thought of), as we sold all of it. It was a bit stressful wondering if I’d get stuck with it all, as the weather wasn’t working in my favour, but luckily the rain held off so people still wanted ice for their BBQ’s etc. Each time I refilled it, customers were taking it from my rollcage before I even made it to the ice freezer.
Of course I’ll get no recognition for the extra $1000 in sales. When my manager came in on Sunday, he didn’t even know why the ice sales were 10-fold on usual ^rolls eyes^

I’m going to my first gig in a long time this weekend. A singer named Mimi Webb is playing at a new venue in Wooloongabba (which has really good reviews) so I bit the bullet and bought a ticket, since they were $45 and I really like her music and want to see the venue. There were only standing tickets left by the time I decided to buy a ticket, which was annoying as I hate standing in people’s way as I’m so tall, and I’m an old bitch these days who’s back hurts after a while, but I guess the cool thing about standing is I can stand toward the back so as not to be in short-people’s way and at least sway side to side to keep the blood circulating Ha! Wow, I am such a party animal these days :P Anyway, I’m hoping my leg will be more okay by the weekend, and I’ll have the stocking off too, and I’ve taken this week off work for recovery, so it makes sense to actually do something than laying around the house and watching RuPaul’s Drag Race spin-offs.
A friend sent me a link to Rina Sawayama, who is performing at the venue across the road from me in January next year. Tickets to her go on sale in a few days, so I’d love to see her too, but that’s a while away. So those two with Sophie Ellis-Bextor, I am really handing my disposable income to the international female musicians this year. After two years of Covid, it’ll be nice to do stuff that I enjoy doing.

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