Out of Town in Thirty-Seven

  • Aug. 29, 2022, 12:10 p.m.
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Hello my friends, how are we all doing today? I’m tired, and sore and all that fun stuff, but I had a good weekend. But I’ll get to that in a minute.

Last weekend, I don’t remember what all we did, but I do know we went downtown and had some food and drinks at Little Toad Creek. I had some fish tacos that were so freaking good and Randy had a chicken sandwich I think. Yeah a club actually. And we shared some cowboy nachos which were just made with potato chips instead of corn.

After that we decided to go to this other place called Buffalo Bud. They are a dispensary, consumption lounge and eatery. They offer food that can be infused or not (they top it with oils) and you can buy weed and then go out on the patio and smoke it.

So we got some prerolls, little .5g ones, some Skywalker Kush and Black Cherry Bomb or something like that. I ordered some cannoli and Randy ordered a bagel with cream cheese. So that was good times. Apparently one of the budtenders there used to work at the one we normally go to so she recognized Randy lol. It was a rainy and cool evening so it was a lot of fun.

After that we went to Walmart and got a few things. I had to get some stuff for the weekend for Phoenix and we bought a few food items. I think we came home and just vegged the rest of the evening because we were still feeling the stuff from BB. We also brought home some flower, Slurricane and Skywalker Kush. Good stuff.

Wednesday would have been my dad’s 70th Birthday and my parent’s 48th Wedding anniversary. So that day was kinda blah. I had to get an oil change Friday morning. So I spent an hour and a half wandering around Walmart. Found different shoes than I had originally bought, which I’m glad I did, because I wouldn’t have been able to stand the ones I originally bought. But I hadn’t been able to find these ones before lol.

Same thing happened with my swimsuit. I had been looking and looking and I knew I didn’t want a one piece because whatever, I don’t care much about who sees my tummy anymore. So I was looking for like a boyshort and a top. But I looked several times and didn’t find anything, plus they were like all super small in the back. Finally on Friday, I went back over there and found a top and bottom for $2 each and just grabbed them. Worked out pretty well.

So yeah, I got all my shit ready for the weekend, and packed it up so that way in the morning I could just get myself ready and then head out. I was going to try and get to the Brunch by 11:30 but yeah I didn’t leave until 9 and it’s a 5ish hour drive. SO haha, I missed it by like an hour.

But when I did get to Scottsdale, I had to pull into a Walmart and go to the bathroom of course. So I texted them to see where they were at, and they said they were at the pool because the suite wasn’t ready. So I changed in the bathroom in the lobby and joined them. It was soooo freaking nice.

We stayed in the pool for like an hour and a half and then sat on the loungers for another 45 minutes before we were like uggh hot. D went to check if the room was ready and it was so we all shuffled over there. L and I had to go to the cars, but T, T and D (lol) had to gather their bags and stuff from the front.

L and I were waiting for them to come out and we were standing there just chatting and this random ass dude is like “what room?” L was like I have no idea (genuinely didn’t thankfully) and the guy was like oh, ok and walked away. WTF, no sir. Anyway, so T called L and they were a little bit further down than we had parked, So we met them on the side and unloaded everything and went up to the room.

I had to go back down to get the two twelve packs I had taken (BL Hard Sodas and Truly Spiked Lemonade). As I was going back up with those, another guy was like “Oh you’re bringing the party here!” and I just chuckled. Then we both went up the stairs and he was like “Left or right?” He was going right and I was thankfully going left, so I said “left” and he was just like “aww too bad”. WTF x2 brosauce.

People are so weird lol.

Anyway, so got all that, then T and I had to go get more ice, so we filled up the garbage can with a target bag and then filled that with ice for the cooler haha. got all the drinks cooled off and then decorated the room with banners, and of course D (maid of honor) brought a ton of penis related items. A pin the dong on the hunk, penis candy and chocolate, cookies that we decorated lol.

They also brought games so we could get to know each other but the one card game was pretty tame, so we played never have I ever instead and got to know a lot of stuff lol it was great. After we got ready, they had penis chocolates so we all took pictures with them lol.

Got ready and went to dinner at a place called Social Tap Eatery. I had drank too much at the hotel, so my stomach was so full. But I ate a bit of the food and it was pretty tasty. I’d like to go back and try some of the other stuff.

From there we moved the car out of the 3 hour parking and paid $15 to park in a tiny little lot. It worked out perfectly though because it was close to where we we were going. The first place was this Rose bar. I don’t typically drink when we go out so they had their rose slushes and got T a Love Potion drink. It tasted like pineapple upside down cake. yum.

Then there was Cake Nightclub, which was insane. There were girls in lingerie on hoops in the air spinning and doing all kinds of shit. Then their bottle service, depending on I guess what bottles, were provided with a huge sparkler, or lights or the one that happened behind us was a girl in lingerie, in a small car, being carried by two other guys, she was holding a lit up case that held three gold bottles of champagne, and then they lit a sparkler. It was NUTS.

So yeah we danced there for a good hour, and then headed outside to find the other two girls, they were sitting outside. Then we walked into the other bar across the street and their bottle service was delivered by girls in black lingerie, along with the 3 eyed alien and T Rex from Toy Story. Hahahaa it was so great.

After that T decided to just go back to the hotel and continue drinking or just hang out. I gathered my stuff at that point and headed to my Hotel. I stayed at a la quinta by the airport so it would be easier for me to get out and traffic wasn’t terrible at midnight in phoenix. it was still busy, but not bad.

I hate driving in Phoenix.

Anyway, so I soaked for a little bit when I got into my room finally. Got washed up and then went to bed.

Yesterday I got up and checked out. Got some beverage and a biscuit sammich from QT on my way out and made it home by 4:30.

Had to jump into our Fantasy Football Draft almost at the end but, we’ll see how I do there too this year.

Otherwise it was a good weekend and I’m going to take this week to rest and then jump into everything else we need to get done before October haha.

Thanks for reading, hope you all have a good week!

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