Gay / Asian Debate. What a Joke. in Writing To Escape [Open Diary Entries]

  • June 7, 2013, 1 a.m.
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So tonight seems to be a rare night where I am in a good mood, no idea why really, just seems to have ended up as such.

I'm happily replying to a ton of messages on face book regarding all sorts of topics. I won't lie I'm being a sarcastic little bugger on all of them, however it is amusing me greatly, for once it's nice not to have something so serious on my mind and be able to reply to things such as games and other topics that warrant sarcastic replies and ridiculous inferences, therein lies a lot of the special sarcasm I cannot express here.

Herein I relinquish 90% sarcasm

Some people refer to sarcasm as the lowest form of wit, for me it can be a crude little tool yes, very much so in a playful manner, however it is also, when used correctly a light reference to points of view previously unconsidered by the original discussion. Let's be honest, we can all laugh about everything, especially topics that do not affect us directly, we all make jokes and remarks about various things in passing on a day to day basis, none of them are meant offensively and I believe that if called to task about any remark, most people can defend their position on a joke.

I go on a little tangent because there are a lot of areas that are the stock of most jokes and can be considered racist or homophobic...kind of drawing a blank at the rest to be honest seeing as these tend to be the big two that are constant, perhaps current events in the news but these are the two biggies, let's be honest.

I do not consider myself to be a racist by any stretch, nor am I homophobic, hell I love gay people especially. I often frequent the gay club when I am on a night out, the atmosphere is fantastic and friendly, the kind of place I want to be, that is how I view the gay community in honesty, friendly, open and welcoming.

The Asian community I do not understand entirely, I do however have friends there and I find them to be excellent people, they are kind, generous, loving and all round truly nice people but I do not know a lot about their background and I struggle to understand a lot about Islam because even they are reserved to talk about it because Islam is different within certain areas of their culture.

I will hold my hand up to making jokes regarding race, creed, sexuality and any other controversial topic that is currently on the market. I like the reactions of people to said jokes and I do tend to find some of them amusing, however I want my humour to be understood as harmless, my having a giggle at these things is no more a jibe than someone having a laugh at my expense either for whatever reason, believe me it has happened but I am fine with such events. I think it is natural for people to joke with one another about anything and so long as those people know the other, or know of their taste in humour, no offence should be or cannot be taken. Just like seeing a stand up comedian.

In a roundabout way I need to wrap this up to get to the point of the subject heading. Gay marriage, the entire argument and the concept of its abhorrence to me is totally laughable and is in itself a joke.

I want to know some things and genuinely I am happy to have a discussion with someone about this. I won't rule out people's views or feelings, they are yours to have but please can someone tell me, why the thought of two guys / girls (yay to the latter btw) sleeping together offends you so deeply or why if they were to be married it would constitute a form of sin or something so truly terrible that it makes you want to commit disturbing acts of crime over?

I have had a number of my friends turn out to be gay over the years, a few of them have seen me naked when we were at school. I could not help but feel that they looked at my cock when I was in the shower, so I asked one of them, someone named Luke if he look, he said yes. I had to follow up with curiosity, was it a good size and such? He said yes with a smile (I've known him since I was 5 so it's not something he hasn't seen before!) Well I was happy enough. It was a free MOT in my opinion and why not view it as such now, he didn't try anything, all he did was look and if you're curious that is what you do, it harms no one.

I apologise because I realise I've gone off topic and am randomly talking about my penis and people staring at it...see what I mean about a random night tonight?

I just basically want to state that Gay marriage, I am all for it. So what? It makes no difference to me in the slightest, to be honest I was ignorant and thought a civil partnership was the equivalent and in a lot of ways I understand that is it, if it is not please correct me but do it respectfully I am stating this out of mild ignorance not malice.

Funnily enough I spoke to a girl at work named Bryony who is in a civil partnership and she said she preferred the term just simply because it sounded and represented being more equal compared to a marriage, therefore she was happy with the term 'civil partnership.' I could hardly argue with her logic. I just don't understand why we are still living in a society that seems so petty, my entire view on it is genuinely, so what?

Two people want to love each other and spend the rest of their lives with each other, k...great...get married. That to me in a nutshell is it, if they are friends of mind, fantastic, an excuse to get drunk and party in celebration that my friend has found a companion, that is what life is about. To watch my friends be happy, that is everything, why does it matter if they get with someone of the same sex? I just don't understand why it fucking matters? I cannot see that point of view and I need someone to explain to me why it is even a factor. Apologies for the provocative title. I just wanted some attention.

DISCLAIMER: Anyone who comes with any religious view needs to fuck off before you even reply, your religion needs to adapt to change and that is the end of that discussion and if you want that argument I am find for it, just leave a note saying you want it and I will deal with it in another entry for you, this entry though, will not be derailed because of such.

And just in case I have not made myself clear, strap me with the colours of any gay flag to walk in the parade or seat on the highest stand in the parade. Give the people equal rights, simply because they are the people and that is all there is to it.

PS Apologies for my title to be so antagonising, the intent was pure and never intended to be anything other than a lure for people to read the entry.

Last updated June 11, 2014

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