I want to I want to in Journal 2022

  • June 9, 2022, 10:47 a.m.
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  • Public

I don’t know what I want. I’ve been rereading comments here and Joseph’s messages over and over.

I have been really sick. Eating hurts. I was so frustrated I hurt my leg but it’s better now. Constant migraines and blackouts.

I’m just so stressed with school and job searching and the newspaper club not being what I wanted and now Joseph.

It hurts. It burns. I don’t want to be weak and cry over him. I’m strong. I’m the best. But I don’t feel like it, I don’t I don’t.

I hate it. It wasnt supposed to be like this. He promised He swore to me and HE lied. He lied to me. They all lie and I should have Known! I should have known I should have.

I need to just go ahead and leave early. Get away from this, get away from him, go far away. I wanna delete the app we talk on but I talk to others on there but I feel ill.

I just hate being weak. Single for a year and then this happens and now my soul is corrupt and I will be impure and disgusting inside and out.

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