Brief interruption in service in Site Updates

  • Aug. 2, 2013, 8:40 p.m.
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  • Public

Just a heads up that I'll be provisioning a new database here shortly, and there will be a brief maintenance interruption while the database is being upgraded. I suppose having a warning banner for the site would be a nice feature, but for now this entry will have to do. I don't expect it to be a very long interruption, a few minutes maybe.

Yes, Prosebox has nearly outgrown its dev database. Time to pull up those big boy pants and put it on a production-caliber database. Should give the site a bit of a boost during busy times!

Leanne 🌈 August 02, 2013

Thanks for the heads up. :)

Cat Mommy August 02, 2013

Thanks for letting us know! It's exciting how many people have joined today! :)

Deleted user August 02, 2013

I didn't even notice.. probably cause I wasn't home... it's that time of year again... school supply buying.

simple mind Deleted user ⋅ August 02, 2013

Turned out to be about two, three minutes tops. Then again, there are less than 10,000 records in Prosebox, so it actually took longer to type the commands than to actually have the data pulled into the new db. :-)

Linda August 03, 2013

Thank you.

Deleted user August 03, 2013

Thanks for the heads up. So nice to receive a message BEFORE work is done.

LivingWaterCreek August 03, 2013

Ditto all the previous comments.

Soul Karma August 03, 2013

You can do this! We have faith in you, and this site! Keep up the awesomeness!

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