Old television in keeping it postive

  • May 18, 2014, 8:29 a.m.
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In the mid 1980's I bought two televisions - one for the bedroom, the other for the living room. The one for the living room had no remote as it was a floor model... not a big deal. The living room television went pffffft a few months ago.

The bedroom TV has been giving me a smaller and smaller image - pure black from the top and bottom. It finally was just giving me a small bit of glare in the middle of the screen... Ah, well, it WAS time to change it.

I'd bought a flat screen television YEARS ago. I just hadn't installed it until the one I was using died completely. I was nervous - hadn't done this in many years, plus the flat screen television (still in its box) had been sitting on its end rather than top side up.

It was SO easy. I had to unscrew the co-ax cable from the old television, attach the stand to the new one, screw in the co-ax cable to the new television. Surprisingly the image is the same size although the screen is much larger. I don't have HD cable, and thought it would be a problem. The image I get is great, it's fine without having the cable company come to give me an HD box. I'll survive.

But I've been basically without television for a few days... and aside from using it to fall asleep, didn't miss it very much.

Stephably May 18, 2014

We use an antenna for our TV. We don't get that many channels but we get enough. It is nice to sit and watch TV sometimes (when I'm at my brothers) but for the most part we don't miss it.

Darcy0207 from OD Stephably ⋅ May 18, 2014

Due to high buildings and a nearby bridge, the only way I can get an image is through cable. I like some of the cable channels so pay more than I'd like.

ThoughtsAfter May 18, 2014

Enjoy! TV has been a close companion to me in this transition to life alone. It's better than ever, in the scope of shows and films available, to my way of thinking.

Silent Echo/Quiet Storm May 19, 2014

i LOVE my tv and directv. not sure what i'd do without it. probably go read more. i'm sure my house would be cleaner. i have the tv on for company when i'm cleaning. i would feel so alone without the sound of the tv. i did just do a reduction of programming that i get to lower costs. but, i have most of the channels i watch. i think there are two or three that i don't have. i'll live without them and soon i'll forget all about them. take care,

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