Tina Cousins hugged me! in The OpenDiary (OD) Days!

  • July 24, 2005, 6 a.m.
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Tina Cousins hugged me!! - 7/24/2005

The local bar was so sure that its bartender was the strongest man around that they offered a standing $1000 bet.

The bartender would squeeze a lemon until all the juice ran into a glass, and hand the lemon to a patron. Anyone who could squeeze one more drop of juice out would win the money.

Many people had tried over time (weight-lifters, longshoremen, etc.) but nobody could do it.

One day this scrawny little man came into the bar, wearing thick glasses and a polyester suit, and said in a tiny squeaky voice "I'd like to try the bet."

After the laughter had died down, the bartender said OK, grabbed a lemon, and squeezed away. Then he handed the wrinkled remains of the rind to the little man.

But the crowd's laughter turned to total silence as the man clenched his fist around the lemon and six drops fell into the glass.

As the crowd cheered, the bartender paid the $1000, and asked the little man, "What do you do for a living? Are you a lumberjack, a weight-lifter, what?"

The man replied, "I'm an IRS Agent."

Oh my god!  I just got back from the Anthony Callea concert in the city!  But I'll get to that...

This morning, I got up early, and took off without waking Luke.  i was on a mission to buy his birthday present.  I wasn't sure exactly what i wanted to get, but I new I wanted to go to a major shopping centre to get it, therefore having more variety of stores to choose from.  Turns out I ended up getting it from K-Mart but hey, I found them lol!  So anyway I got him a mink blanket, a v8 supercars dvd and a movie ticket voucher, valid for a year, so he can see whatever he wants for free!  I felt like I had to do something nice(and also because I wanted to and had intended to buy him a present) because he didn't really have a good birthday from what I saw.

Last night, after work, i went into the city to meet up with my mate Lindsay.  I mean it's a fair trip, but he is a good friend and I like spending time with him.  He's funny as all hell.  Anyway I got there, and realised he had not had a good day/week/whatever at all.  He was like a broken record - he kept going on and on and on - would not stop talking!  Me being the person I am, listened to all of this, but he was going on about how stupid the people of Brisbane are and there is no hope for any of us.  Haha, he's just that type of person - the whole world's against him and he's the only civil person in this entire city.  In a way he has a point.  Lindsay is an extremely intelligent guy - makes me wonder why he wants to spend time with me as I only received an OP 16 in high school, which makes me a dumb shit lol.  But I listened to him asking him what caused all this, and seriously, without going into details, I think he's had enough.  I think the only thing keeping him in this city is the fact he has to finish his uni degree.  He's too smart for the rest of us.  See, here's where I'm confused.  I absolutely adore this city.  I think living here is fantastic.  He doesn't - everyone's against him and I'm apparently the only sane friend he has (he mentioned to point that out a few times to me lol).  I mean even him and Luke barely talk anymore, and they used to be best friends!  There's a reason behind that though.  Luke can't stand Lindsay's constant negativity, and Lindsay's sick of wasting money on sms's that are never returned.  Fair enough.  Takes two to tango.  Meanwhile my phone bill must be through the roof this month lol!  Anyway Lindsay and I went to the pancake place in the city.  Great food.  I had the strawberry fields with a vanilla swiss shake.  i tried a swiss shake because I'd never had one before.  They are really nice!! :)  Well the vanilla one was, and I'm a vanilla fan (in more ways than one j/k).  There was a really cute gay guy working there, but he was probably under the age of consent :P

Anyway, back to where I was lol.  I drove in the driveway when I got home, and this girl was waving at me.  She was walking with 4 other people.  I thought 'oh crap it's katie!' - they'd come up from Toowoomba to visit me!  It was so cool.  Katie and John are back together (meh), and they had their friend Mel and Timmy (kinda cute but straight (we think)) and Mel's daughter.  Meanwile I had all this stuff I'd just bought for Luke's present in my car, and I was thinking he was still inside, so I didn't want to bring it up just yet in case he saw it.  Anyway we went inside and Luke's door was closed and his car was still here so I presumed he was still asleep.  I told everyone to keep it down as Luke was asleep.  Then we were talking for ages, and katie said she thought she saw someone who looked like Luke running down the street.  So I quietly opened his door - no-one in the bed.  Doh!  So here I was all this time being quiet, thinking lukey was home.  Anyway i ducked out to the car, grabbed the stuff, and saw none-other-than Luke coming back from his run.  So I ran inside the house so he wouldn't see me, exhausted when I got here, and ran into the room.  I asked Katie to help me wrap up his present and said he was behind me, and to stop the others from letting him come anywhere near my room until I had wrapped the presents.  It was so funny, we had just started to wrap the big present, when Mel burst into the room.  I near panicked, thinking it was Luke, and he'd see what we were wrapping.  haha!  katie was like, 'you scared the shit out of us!' - haha, she did.  Anyway so here's me and Katie trying to wrap this present, and we could hear Luke talking to John and Mel and Timmy out in the loungeroom.  We only have three rooms in this house, the loungeroom, and my bedroom and luke's bedroom, so we werent far away.  Mel and her daughter kept knocking on the door lol - bastards.  It was hell funny and scary tho!  I'd gone to so much effort all morning, I didn't want him seeing it.  Then, as I was writing in the card, and katie left the room, I heard Luke say to them, 'well I'm off to work, kids!'  i was like 'oh shit, no!', so they said 'wait for Matty.'  I was rushing to write the card and stick the movie ticket in with them, and i heard Luke knock on the door saying, 'it's me.' - I said 'wait!', shoved the last bits together, ripped open the door, shoved the present in his arms and said 'happy birthday!' (near panting, mind you lol).  The look on his face was so joyous.  It was really peaceful to see.  He was so happy I had gotten him something.  He asked me if I was going to be home tonight, cos he knew I had the concert to go to, and I said, 'yes, probably.", so he said he'd open it then, and put in in his room, and left for work after giving me a hug.  That was nice.

PHEW, what an entry, but I've got so much to write.  The concert!  It took me ages to get someone who wanted to spare ticket I had.  I tried Joe (a net friend i haven't met), and I tried Brent (another net friend who I keep trying to meet but we've always got different schedules), and succeeded with Beau.  He's the guy I stayed with that night last week sometime.  I'm skipping over so many details so I just wanna get to the point.  I was amazed Beau came considering he only came back from the Gold Coast literally an hour before he had to meet me in the city to go to the concert.  He's a great guy though, and I thought he might appreciate the ticket.  It was so good ot see him again!  We gave each other a huge hug when we met at Southbank, and walked across the bridge together.  It was both our first times to the riverstage.  We got there, and decided to join the group of people standing up near the stage.  First to come on stage, was Tina Cousins.  Now I am a massive Tina Cousins fan, and if I wasn't before the concert, I definitely am now!  That girl can rock!  Her songs are so amazing and addictive, and she's had top 20 hits in the UK (where she's from, and here in Australia.)  I'm not sure if she's cracked the US market yet, as that's a lot harder to do if you're not an American.  She sang 'pray, forever, come to me, mysterious times, mastermind and wonderful life'.  After she performed, Beau and I both joined the autograph line.  Beau got his shirt signed, and I bought a poster for $5 and she signed that for me 'Matt, big kisses and hugs, Tina Cousins' <imagine that last bit's a signature lol.  So many people were getting photo's taken of her and them together, but stupid me didn't bring my digicam, so I did the next best thing, which is probably an even bigger thing for me.  I asked her, "Can I have a hug?"  She goes "Sure you can!" (in her gorgeous Bristish accent), and leaned across the table to hug me.  As she was hugging me, I was thinking 'omg omg omg, Tina Cousins is actually hugging me!' - I swear, inside my head I was like a little school girl! hahaha!  She said to me that she saw me bopping away in the audience whilst she was performing.  That was nice she acknowledged me.  I'm still on such an incredible high that she hugged me.  Someone's music whom I respect so much, HUGGED ME!!!! YES!!!!  As I parted the table I told her to have a great day.  She said, 'you too!'  I swear, she is the ultimate performer - really nice and loves all her fans!

After Tina signed my poster and made my month with the hug, we went back to watch Anthony Callea.  Poor Tina was rushing through the autographs when she heard Anthony start to sing, cos everyone wanted to get back to see him (as he was the main star of the entire show.)  For me it was actually Tina hahahha.  Anthony was great though!  he is such a hottie.  If no-one here knows who Anthony Callea is, he was the runner-up on Australian Idol last season, but is the more popular one.  Casey Donovan was the winner, but she seems to have slipped out of the limelight.  He was really good!  I couldn't believe I was standing literally 10 meters away from Anthony Callea.  The girls up the front were stretching out their hands and everything trying to get a touch of him.  I swear he's gay.  He just has to be.  No-one dressed that well, sings that well and looks that good, and isn't gay.  Haha.  And I'm not sure if it was just me or Anthony's egotistics, but I swear he winked at me a few times during the performance.  It was a fantastic afternoon.  Anthony didn't do a signing like Tina did.  Don't blame him.  He'd be there forever.  All his posters and shirts were pre-signed and you just had to go buy one if you wanted one.  At least mine from Tina is personalised.  It's on my bedroom wall now.  I swear I won't stop looking at it for months now each night I go to bed.

After the concert, my stomach was killing me and I had to sit down.  Beau said it was probably because of all the bass music running through my body.  He's probably right.  Beau had a really sore lower back, but you get that at concerts.  I'm surprised I didn't.  I asked him if he had a good time, and he was so thankful for the ticket I gave him.  I mean, seriously though, I feel he deserved it.  Here's a kid who does so much for the benefit of other people, and get's little in return for himself.  I just felt I repayed the favour a little.  And he's great to hang around too. 

So, i walked him back to his bus-stop in the city, we gave each other a good hug goodbye (like a cool firm one - i love hugs like that), and I went back to the train station to catch my train home.  I skipped so many details in this entry it's unreal, but I think I'm about to run out of characters or something lol!  Thank you for reading if you've made it this far.  TINA COUSINS HUGGED ME!!!

Luke opened his present when I got home.  He loves it! :) woohoo!

Notes: --------------------------------------------------------------------

First note? Yay!

I know I sound monotonous when I say this, and you realyl don't have to reply, but... man, you're soooo cute. You. You guys. Singular, plural. Cute cute cute. kiss on cheek

ryn: Really? God, I feel so... inadequate. :P :)

Cheers. [Ness, Indophobe.] 7/24/2005 8:28:37 AM

That is so awesome that you had such an amazing time, Im so happy you did!! I want to go to a concert now, I cant belive ive never even been to one? Isnt that crazy? Talk to you later kiddo.

-JJ :) [shrektrek] 7/24/2005 9:53:43 AM

whoaaaaa thats awesome that she hugged you :) i'm ashamed to say that i have no idea who she is though :( anddd that's cool how you saw the runner up in aussie idol, and in 2 weeks i'm going to see the 2nd runner up in canadian idol!! woooo. we rock. haha. glad luke liked the present :) xox

[[disco-lemonade]] 7/24/2005 10:29:42 AM

I looked up pictures of Anthony Callea... it should be illegal to be that hot.

Anyway, that was really cool of Cousins. It's great when artists really enjoy their fans like that. [SilverScorp83] 7/24/2005 10:55:56 AM

Hi Matt... You ont reading me anymore? [Xi'a] 7/24/2005 11:33:59 AM

By the way hug. [Xi'a] 7/24/2005 11:36:13 AM

Matt you are not a dumb shit. Repeat after me> I am not a dumb shit!! LOL Glad Luke had a good birthday. He owes it all to you!

Love ya buddy!!

Ben [Taste The Rain Bow] 7/24/2005 12:27:11 PM

ooooh! this Anthony Callea character is not bad! and... sorry, ne'er heard of tina cousins

[penfifteen] 7/24/2005 2:51:43 PM

you don't note me much anymore? did i upset you? [HotGayBoy80] [p] 7/24/2005 3:17:33 PM

wow . . . looooooooooooooooooong entry! movie ticket vouches are definitely the best!!!! that's such an amazing gift. miss you too. i'll be back soon. love,

[Prince Zidane] [p] 7/24/2005 5:48:33 PM

Wow I love this entry loads ro read and funny.. One Question? What does sms's that are never returned.Mean? Huggs Matt!! Mermz

[Mermy] 7/24/2005 6:13:36 PM

Hi Matty it's me Jeffy! Never heard of Tina Cousins or Anthony Callea either. But you got to feel boobies for the first time ever so that's good. Glad Luke liked his gifts. You are just too wonderful a friend. I almost feel bad for him. He used to have something smooth and soft to snuggle with at night. Now he's up all night listening to the birds having sex! :-0 But Matt = love no matter what! :) [mobyduck] 7/24/2005 8:44:54 PM

Anthony Callea ..umm lol I have no idea who that is I feel stupid! [.Konstantine.] 7/24/2005 8:49:24 PM

Way to go buddy, Getting that hug! Not bad, not bad at all. I'm glad that Luke liked his present....you are truly one cool dude to do that for him. It takes a big man to be that caring. Take care! [C-Dub85] 7/24/2005 10:08:12 PM

i personally think anthony callea is gay too! i know ppl who went to school with him and they think it as well ; ) [butterflybabe13] 7/24/2005 10:14:48 PM

just googled Anthony Callea. Yummy! Sings extremely well also! Glad about the hug, will Google Tina Next! Glad you made Luke feel great and had an overall wonderful day! XO [pizzaguy184] 7/25/2005 3:23:20 AM

I think Casey won just because she's a girl. I've never liked her. And getting an OP 16 doesn't mean you're dumb, I got a 17 and I'm not dumb. [frangipani] 7/25/2005 3:58:41 AM

Anthony Callea....woo hottie!!! nooooo he cant be gay!! no he wants me lol. hope u had fun

much love [miss_barbie] 7/25/2005 6:23:19 AM

Long entry, but I enjoyed it throughly. :o) That's awesome she hugged you!! I think you're set for life now. It was really nice for you to give back to Beau. Such a sweetheart... really you are. And you got Luke birthday gifts, which make everyone happy. hugz

[Silent Teardrops] 7/25/2005 11:00:57 AM


-James [Beez] [p] 7/25/2005 11:33:21 AM

that was a long one! whew! [J HENRY] 7/25/2005 12:36:57 PM

Is it bad that I'm from the UK and don't have any idea who the hell Tina Cousins is??? =s Glad the whole Lukes birthday gifts whent well. Its always fun to do stuff under pressure....sometimes... Hope ur ok =)

Hel xox [Indigo Sky] 7/25/2005 2:35:16 PM

Hey There..I got your note and added you :)

[Sugarfoot] 7/26/2005 12:14:45 PM

That was a long entry lol.

Just wanted to say that bit on the front of your diary about the boi and girl...was really sweet made me cry. Did you write that? [Akourah Lilly] 7/28/2005 2:27:18 PM

[SeSsiA~] 7/29/2005 10:41:57 AM

[SeSsiA~] 7/29/2005 10:47:28 AM

long entry.... [Archer_Mage] 7/29/2005 5:45:25 PM

Matt..I just read your entry and thought how kool of a guy you must be to go through so much to get your friend a gift and wrap it. I dont know who Tina Cousins is, but from what you say of her, she must be an incredible person/singer. And, its really kool you got to hug her and get her sig. on the poster! I really dont know what else to say. =0P

Soul Girl [soul girl] 8/4/2005 8:18:43 PM

hey i found you on sex hounds diary..anyways seen you were gay..thats pretty kool that your that open..btw..im goin to add u to my space..i have a cousin/friend thats gay..he's a total hottie/cutie..total pretty boy type..ill give you his myspace name.. hope u like ~jess~ [JessKL] [p] 8/8/2005 12:32:12 PM

your presence, as well as your thoughts, are humbly requested in my diary. [Robby Concord] 8/8/2005 6:24:05 PM

Last updated May 13, 2014

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