My EDS Challenge Day 28- Acts of Kindness in Hypermobile Life

  • May 29, 2021, 5:12 a.m.
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I am taking part in #MyEDSChallenge and #MyHSDChallenge with the Ehlers Danlos Society. Since May is EDS awareness month, every day I will be sharing something about myself and my EDS journey to drive further awareness and community.

Day 28- Acts of Kindness

I’m not really sure where to go with this journal entry, BUT… when I think of ME doing acts of kindness AND other people dropping acts of kindness on me, I think of my blog & support groups I have been involved with on this long and grueling medical journey. I receive messages via comments and DM’s semi regularly from people all over the world about how my video logs/blog posts/etc have inspired them to do x,y, or z or educated them on things they hadnt considered.

I enjoy being part of the EDS Society’s virtual support groups regularly. I may not always speak out loud but sometimes I do. I will participate in chat threads to share my medical story, offer suggestions or just mental support for folks who are new to having chronic issues. This is how I feel I can contribute in life, since my life as it is now is not at all where I saw it going. Its about creating a new path for yourself and new goals, even if they are small goals. I found my niche and that is to support and connect with other folks with EDS/ pudendal neuralgia, maythurners, and other chronic illnesses. And I am thankful for the comments I get from complete strangers who are taking time out of their day to let me know how I impacted them 🧡

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