Hole to heal in Stuff

  • July 28, 2020, 8:01 a.m.
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I’m sitting here waiting for my asshole to heal.

No, I haven’t been fucked every which way to Sunday. I finally went and got my (long overdue) STI test done at Rapid. I’m so thankful they are open again. And because they were closed for so long, I knew that I hadn’t been tested since August 2019. Yikes. I certainly had a few questionable hookups at Mardi Gras and a few boys since then. I don’t have any symptoms, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have anything.
So I went to gym and did a good workout (much better than my pathetic attempt on Sunday when I just had zero energy after work) and timed it so I’d arrive there just after 3pm, when they opened.
I’m glad I did too. I did have to wait for a bit for one of the nurses to come down and buzz me in. They are only allowed one patient in the building at a time, but I was the only one waiting when I got there. When I left there were three people waiting outside.
Anyway, I’ve been there a few times before and they have instructions on the wall in the bathroom so you know where to put what where :P Anyway, I noticed they’d changed the instructions on the anal swab (one marked ‘A’ for ‘Arse’ or ‘Anus’ if you prefer) and one marked ‘T’ for ‘Throat. I made sure not to get those mixed up, or Lord-forbid, use the anal one and then forget I’d already used it and then use the same swab for my throat LOL.) Anyway, point is, they’d added an instruction on the anal swab saying to insert 1.3 inches inside (yes, same as last time) but then to ROTATE it and leave it in for 10 seconds. Okay, so that was new. Anyway, I obviously rotated too much and felt it pull on my skin and I felt the pain right away. Uh oh. I’ve managed to tear my arse and I haven’t even had a dick inside there - bravo Matt, bravo!
Anyway, peed in the cup and just hoped that I’d done everything right. Even the throat swab I wasn’t too confident that I did right, but I figured as long as I’d gagged (teehee) and wiped the tonsils and both sides, it should be enough.

Back in the nurses room and I filled out a few more forms. Again, they sanitize absolutely everything, before and after use. The nurse wore a mask and gloves but the patients didn’t have to. I was just asked questions before I was allowed to enter the building - the usual ‘have you been overseas?’ or ‘Have you been in Victoria or a NSW hotspot within the past 14 days?’. Obviously the answer was no. I’m too scared to go anywhere at the moment in case another hotspot pops up all of a sudden! The latest seems to be Potts Point in Sydney, but no rules on a hotspot quarantine as of yet. Today was another zero-case day, so those are always good. Unfortunately there are still people doing the wrong thing and trying to sneak across the border. We’re a big state with numerous border crossings, so I’m sure it’s happening. There is currently talk of our borders closing again, so it’s a watch-this-space.
Anyway, 20 minutes later I had my results. It’s always a hold-my-breath moment waiting for that result. I’m negative to HIV and Syphilis. Thank GOD.
I still have to wait until the end of today or tomorrow to get my results for the other two nasties. I actually have a feeling that I may have one of them. I’m hoping I’m wrong. As I said, I have no symptoms, but I feel I know my body well enough to even have a mental feeling that something might be there. Anyway, I’ll know for sure soon enough.
Thank God for Rapid testing though. I remember back in the day I had to wait an entire week and RING THEM UP to ask what my fate was. For an anxious gay like me, that was just horrible. Not only that, they asked a million personal questions and wanted to know the details of all my sexual partners in the past 12 months. Rapid doesn’t do any of that. They understand that LGBT people have sex and can take control of their health.

So yeah, I needed to do that. I was back on numerous health insurance websites yesterday trying to decide if I want to rejoin one, and if it’s worth it. I still want to fix my bottom teeth, but it’ll mean a 12-month waiting period, and even so, in that time, I will have to hand over around $600 in premiums before I can get any benefit back from that particular service. So I’m trying to umm and ahh over if it’ll be worth my while for the other benefits in the meantime - namely for me, dental and maybe podiatry. But I am getting older and more and more things will probably go wrong with my body lol. Do I really care about straight teeth into my 40’s? Apparently orthodontics can change one’s face. I guess that makes sense. I’d be looking at around $8000 for some sort of aligners. I tried the ones I bought online, but I feel my overcrowding is more complicated and will need professional intervention. Doing it by myself is just going to damage them. God-dammit getting old and getting health complications. I don’t want to get obese and get diabetes also, so I’ll stick at gym. I’m HIV-free thankfully, so that’s one thing I know. I have to also consider PreP now that I know it’s an option. Or if things go well with Harris (or even someone else) into the future. That’d be a whole other spanner in the works. I liked how well things were going with Kellan, and then he just ghosted me and I can only assume had to return overseas due to Covid-19. Harris is an international too so he could take off at any time (although he has told me he isn’t lol).
And if I do come back positive for one of the other STI’s, I could have potentially passed that onto Harris and then him maybe back onto me, so that’d not be fun. No point worrying about something I’m not sure of yet, right?

I’ve been surprisingly getting into the Formula 1 lately lol. I can never watch it until well after it’s aired live, so it’s hard to avoid news outlets or seeing articles giving away who the winner of the race was. Ergh. It was the same with the RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars Season 4 winner over the weekend - I didn’t get to watch it and had it given away on me, because gays just simply cannot shut their fucking mouths. Usually I can get away with just avoiding social media for a day, but I didn’t get a chance to watch it until a few days later this time, so I had no chance. It wasn’t really that much of a surprise anyway. Surprised to hear that the winner thinks Covid is a hoax though - or rather, is very anti-mask, according to posts I’ve been seeing anyway.

Does anyone here think it’s a hoax? Either the virus or the vaccine?
I mean, after all the documentaries and stress I’ve seen front-line workers going through (especially in Italy), the Reddit threads and even reading about on here, I’ve just seen anti-vac’s and conspiracy-theorists as complete fucking morons who deserve to just have Covid-19 injected straight into them so they can experience it for themselves, but I saw a post today and I was like, “You know what? Let’s not just follow the herd. I’ll have an open mind. I’ll listen to what these people have to say.”

This is the video. Apparently it keeps getting removed, or they are just trying to get it to go viral lol.

So I just don’t know who to believe LOL. I’m still not convinced. Should I just be taking lots of zinc tablets from work? That is the only one of the three that these doctors (if they are doctors) are talking about that is readily available, as far as I’m aware. Apparently I can buy Hydroxychloroquine over the counter in Indonesia lol. Then I just saw another article saying that it’s still no cure for Covid-19.

I did like that African-American doctor though.

Edit: I just got the text from the clinic - I’m all clear! Wow, I did not expect that :)

Last updated July 28, 2020

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