4 months 1 day post op in Pudendal Decompression Surgery

  • July 14, 2020, 4:34 a.m.
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Things to be greatful for
-Was able to go on a walk today, the weather was great.
-Feel like I got a good chunk of work done today.
-I enjoyed watching Mike Shinoda’s stream today
-Had a good first half of the day pain wise today.
-Digestive issues have been at bay for now.
-Was able to make a few phone calls today.

Bad things
-Nerve pain and bladder spasming got pretty bad on my way to PT, so session didn’t really help me. But may have prevented it from getting any worse overall.
-I wanted to walk a second time tonight but I wasn’t able to.
-In a very depressed mood because of the surprise pain flare.
-Had to ward off an anxiety attack.
-I am still paranoid about slowing any possible progress to the nerve healing due to normal movement.

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