
Entries 7

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December 23, 2014

My primary job in daily ramblings

Is being a brick head. Luckily, I have passed it on. We’ll see what happens next.

December 23, 2014

So Long, Goodbye in daily ramblings

I’m back, I think. I’m still alive, I haven’t killed my wife and she hasn’t killed me. Life is good.

August 18, 2013

it breaks my heart in daily ramblings

... that all the grandparents of my children hate them. it really does. why can't you love them for who they are? why do you have to be so judgemental? it doesn't matter where they came from ...

August 15, 2013

family sucks in daily ramblings

i mean outer family. inner family is always special, even if it's complicated. it sucks that now outer family includes my mom & dad. thanks mom & dad for excluding yourselves (from pas...

i always think songs can dictate what's going to happen, but what if you dictate what songs are going to do? i suppose that's a question that one can ask themselves: do i make my own future, or ...

August 11, 2013

not gonna lie in daily ramblings

the "daily" part in the book title is not really pertaining to a day-to-day event that occurs. it's perhaps the biggest lie i've told so far. but time is long, so i may surprise you even furthe...

it seems that lots of people hate their jobs, and it's quite noticeable when everyone seems miserable. waking up is a chore on it's own, and then one has to deal with the mundane task of interac...

Books 1

8 Entries