
Entries 288

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April 04, 2014

april 4 in twenty-seven

I slept the day away. Happily. I'm back on a strict budget. With the house going on the market in a week and me looking for a home soon after that, I need my finances to be in a smart place. On...

April 03, 2014

april 3 in twenty-seven

Today was R's last day. I took her out to J Alexander's for lunch and we had a farewell happy hour after work. I went out with her after that as well and we were out until around midnight. She dr...

April 02, 2014

april 2 in twenty-seven

Today I had a very interesting conversation with someone I love dearly. All very good things. But it was one of those situations where everything that was once hypothetical becomes a reality and ...

April 01, 2014

april 1 in twenty-seven

I hate April fools day. I really dislike being messed with, and thankfully this year, for one of the first years I can recall, I wasn't. I was still on edge for the whole day, though. Oh and I ...

March 31, 2014

march 31 in twenty-seven

Happy AFTAP day! I'm just so happy to get March over with and focus on Q2.

March 30, 2014

march 30 in twenty-seven

I spent the day on the couch. Can't every day be like that?

March 29, 2014

march 29 in twenty-seven

I went out tonight for R's going away party. It was at a dive bar, it wasn't great. She was pretty drunk by the time I got there and it got a little emotional (and not because she was leaving...s...

March 28, 2014

march 28 in twenty-seven

Lately I find myself doing things I never would have contemplated a year ago, and I wonder why. I'm turning into a terrible person, or at the very least a confused one.

March 27, 2014

march 27 in twenty-seven

Somewhat irritatingly, I now have the cats from the house and will be keeping them until the house sells. Chris texted me last night and all but forced me to take them then and there. So far the ...

March 26, 2014

march 26 in twenty-seven

I have developed a perfume addiction. It all started on vacation. I couldn't find my Light Blue bottle and assumed I'd lost it. I hadn't, but I looked everywhere for it. I've never been a grown u...

March 25, 2014

march 25 in twenty-seven

Studying in the morning has its benefits. For instance, I can still bill eight hours of work to clients when I work until ten in the evening. And unfortunately working until ten happens more of...

March 24, 2014

march 24 in twenty-seven

Backdating options! Yessss. It may be Monday, but all my days blur together lately. Monday feels like Friday feels like everyday. Weekends are my only reprieve. Being in solitary confinement at...

March 23, 2014

march 23 in twenty-seven

Another three hours of studying, another dumps day. I can't shake the feeling. I feel like such a cast off. Like the default when what people really want isn't around. I've come to realize that...

March 23, 2014

march 22 in twenty-seven

I had a stay in bed day. Actually despite having that kind of day I did a lot. Studied with another actuary at Easton for three hours. Eventually picked roomie up from the bar and went to grab di...

March 23, 2014

march 21 in twenty-seven

I don't think Friday could have gotten here any later this week. Came home from work and just as I crawled into bed for a pity party of one, R texted me about going out for a quick drink. It wa...

March 20, 2014

march 20 in twenty-seven

It's the first day of spring, and also my dad's birthday, and for completely different reasons it's a pretty important day in my life. It's a day that reminds me that I'm going in a direction tha...

March 20, 2014

march 19 in twenty-seven

It's the last day of winter! I got three hours of sleep last night. I'm pooped.

March 20, 2014

march 18 in twenty-seven

Another day that went by far too quickly. Work is kicking my behind pretty hard. It's a very busy time of year, but I'll get through it. I always do. Had an appointment with my therapist today....

March 20, 2014

march 17 in twenty-seven

Happy St Patricks Day! It's my favorite holiday, mostly because it's all fun and zero expectations. I wore green to work. It was my first day in my new office. No one really came to talk to me bu...

March 17, 2014

march 16 in twenty-seven

Do you want to see my new office? I just move in so not everything is exactly how I want it yet. But it's a work in progress.

March 16, 2014

march 15 in twenty-seven

I don't think I woke up today until one pm. I've been working myself to death. Saturday mornings are the one day a week I let myself sleep in, and I took full advantage. Later in the evening the...

March 16, 2014

march 14 in twenty-seven

I stayed at work extra late to move from my cubicle to my new office. I'll post pictures later when I'm not writing this on my phone. I didn't want to move during the day, because it took a soli...

March 16, 2014

march 13 in twenty-seven

I had a rough day (long, tiring, stressful...I feel pulled in a million directions. This happens every March), so the roomie thought it would be nice to go to my favorite sushi place. I invited R...

March 07, 2014

march 7 in twenty-seven

I got a promotion and all that comes with it. An office, a parking garage pass, a pay increase, bonus eligibility. I'm not very thrilled about the office and couldn't care less about the parking ...

March 05, 2014

march 5 in twenty-seven

I tried writing a tell-all entry but it doesn't look like I can save just one entry in a book as friends only. So you'll have to wait just a little longer.

Books 3

141 Entries

137 Entries

11 Entries