
Have the serenity to accept what i cannot change.


Entries 54

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Hi there everyone!Sorry I haven't been very active here.I still have not warmed to this new site so really have to work at writing regularly.Also,for the past few weeks,I have b...

March 04, 2014

In a Nutshell! in Majimaze Musing!

Yes, I am going to try to condense all my activities for the last month? into a nutshell size!I do hope you are all well. I am, unlike Polz,I am no great lover of the cooler weather!My bones a...

Hello there everyone.I made a promise to myself that I would try to do an entry today!So here goes.The speech went very well and I only went a minute over time!Ha ha!Even then I forgot an imortan...

Well,here I go! Hi there All! How are you Dear friends?I was at Polz place this morning to check on little Willow and Polz joined me up so thought I'd write an entry.I'll ke...

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54 Entries

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