
Majimaze Musings.

by majimaze

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Book Description

This will not be a aday-by day diary as I rarely ,if ever have kept a diary.More a summation of slices of my life,world news and opinions.
Hence the title.Majimaze Musings.
I am a 70 year old woman,a widow and have 3 children,9 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild.
I have been a widow for 8 years this month.I loved my husband deeply and still do and have never contemplated any body else in his place.
I have loved deeply in my life and grieved deeply in my soul.
I have made many mistakes,some big others not so big and will probably make many more.
Most I have learned from.
I love poetry and reading and write a bit as well.I enjoy theatre and have acted in many plays myself,with varying results.
Loneliness is a state of mind one learns to live with when the focus of your life departs.
I shifted my focus to my children and grandchildren and hope it bears fruit.
I am a Roman Catholic and attend church regularly and do the readings and welcome on a regular basis.My beliefs are personal and i do not inflict them on others.
I have great joy and sadness in my life and I expect more of both.
Having established a few facts,if you would like to know more about me,read on!