
Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair


Entries 3

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March 04, 2014

Earrings in Maille

I have made two new projects in the past two days... which is a lot more than I have done in almost as many years... >_> well so it seems but anywho! The first up is a Japanese 12 in 1 set...

February 06, 2014

Size does matter in Minecraft Journal

Alrighty - using the power of MCedit, I have been taking my many saves and many structures on those saves and consolidating them all onto one map/world to save some space... and in doing so I rea...

Alrighty - So Despite my efforts to work on my Cathedral and update on OD, I obviously failed. However, here with the newfangled "Book" system, I can update more efficiently and it is easier to s...

Books 2

1 Entry

2 Entries