Swimming With Killer Whales

"You can make all the judgment you want of me, until you get the whole truth and nothing but the truth, your judgment will always be flawed, always be prejudiced and always be perverted." ~ Me

"Ignorance is like a book that was never opened; l

Entries 3

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*Introduction *: My name is "Wyatt Who Dances With Jelly Fish" and please call me Wyatt. I want to thank you all for your time and attention in this matter. It is commendable that NH has a too...

Disclaimer, My complaint is lengthy. First, I am an indigent CLIENT filing a misconduct complaint against former Concord NHPD office, Managing Attorney Jacki Smith and former Executive Director o...

Attorney misconduct bureaucracy and due consideration. Ineffectual attorneys is a fast growing sport in the legal community and should be addressed with no free passes. What is disturbing is tha...