
Entries 31

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Wow, look at me in bed at a decent hour. Now lets pray that I actually fall asleep instead of staring at the wall until 5am or read smutty manga until my alarm goes off. I didn’t masturbate today...

Yesterday I was bleeding like a stuffed hog. Today I just have blinding back pain and a bloated belly. I think I put on 6 pounds? Well, whatever, it’s my 3rd day and the good news is by time scho...

My face is all puffy from my nap. I had a pretty productive day even though I didn’t get that much stuff done. I still need to get a new home insurance policy and update my auto insurance but tha...

FUCK! I don’t know why I even waste my time on IG anymore. I told myself that I would purge a lot of my followers, curb the content I was digesting a bit to make my life easier but it isn’t going...

Today I woke up at 12 pm, way too late to go to church. I decided that it would be nice for me and Chu to go out to lunch then maybe head to the base so we can run the track for a bit, maybe play...

I’ve must have orgasmed at least 15 times today. It seems the peak of my heat cycle has finally come and I feel at ease. My favorite orgasm was the one with Chu. The deep, long, rhythmic thrusts ...

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