
Your Face

by AlexYourAlterEgo

Entries 261

Page 10 of 11

Not such a great day today. I lost sight and allowed myself to feel sad and depressed at having nowhere to be and no purpose other than to go to work and earn the money. I didn't smoke any ciga...

This photo diary is breaking my heart tonight.

October 20, 2013

Playing with Fire - 07.10.13

So I sent M and email today, and at the end put a note that I was cranky with him for pulling a bullshit disappearing act and how I would have assumed he was dead but for the fact that he was col...

October 20, 2013

Sunday - 06.10.13

I vomited all day yesterday. I couldn't even drink water or disolvable asprin without it being ejected. It made me think more about the possibility of having had a drink spiked, but I guess the...

October 13, 2013


I need to type up my handwritten journal entries. I normally do that on the weekend, but I never got around to it. Don't ask me why not, it's not like I had anything to do this weekend. Have h...

October 05, 2013

Regret - 05.10.13

Posted this on Facebook earlier today, pretty much sums up where I'm at: Ashleigh Funkelstein 6 hours ago Hello Facebook friends! I acted deplorably last night and I am feeling very embarrass...

October 05, 2013

S.O.B. - 01.10.13

2 months, you son of a bitch. 2 months I've been sitting here and we're no closer than we were on the day you left. I am absolutely furious. It's fucking October.

October 05, 2013

Reflecter - 30.09.13

I wonder if this is how M felt for over 3 years: completely reliant on the actions of someone else, having no control over your own future. Pretty good day at work today. Busy. I was useful. ...

September 30, 2013

Here I Am.

So this is my first attempt at posting a picture in here. Please let me know if it's a complete failure. This is a group photo from the retirement party on Friday night. My boss is the lit...

September 29, 2013

Sunday - 29.09.13

Still a bit nutty. That stuffed dog I ordered arrived and I was a bit excited at bed time to cuddle up with him (crazy). Then I worried that my ever loyal stuffed moose might have been upset, s...

September 29, 2013

Wednesday - 25.09.13

Feeling a bit more positive about the finances this week after an insurance refund of $60 from Westpac. Won't last, though. It's the end of the month and M will likely pump me for a little bit ...

September 29, 2013

Still - 24.09.13

Still quite depressed. I can't stand this! So many times I have regretted packing M and Ernie off to America, but it would only have been delaying this. There's no other way for me to get my g...

September 23, 2013

Monday - 23.09.13

I ended up getting up and going for a run. Admittedly, I didn’t get up early, just at my usual 5:45am. I grumbled my way into my shorts and running shoes, packed my work gear, make up etc into ...

September 22, 2013

Sunday - 22.09.13

Today I went to the lake with my friends for a few hours. It was nice, but I was glad to come back to my room and hide from the world. I didn't go for a jog tonight. Instead I felt teary and s...

September 22, 2013

Crazy - 20.09.13

I feel like I'm going crazy. This week passed so quickly, but all it did was remind me that I'm still stuck here. 7 weeks today, which isn't that long, it just feels like it. I haven't heard f...

September 15, 2013


Another Sunday. My 7th without M here. As usual, I am feeling depressed. Even if he gets a job tomorrow, I won't be leaving here until the end of October - at the very earliest. Fucking sucks...

September 07, 2013


I went to boot camp with my sister on Friday morning. I was so terrible at it, and was nauseous from the exertion. Still, I am glad I went, and I would like to go again. However, I am in AGONY...

September 04, 2013


Monday I got a bit of a headache. Took some basic pain pills, ignored it. Monday evening I went for my walk, had a few bursts of jogging. My headache was still there when I got home, but I fig...

August 31, 2013


So I've started walking each day. Thursday I went with my sister on the track behind her house. Friday I went alone to the track that runs around the lake. I tried a bit of jogging, with horri...

August 28, 2013


Paid today, and already broke. Car registration is due next week, storage payment comes out in the 1st of September. Sent M his portion of my pay. Bought some modest groceries, cigarettes. I ...

August 25, 2013


Still at Dad's. Can't remember where I left off, and can't be bothered going to look. This is just what you get. Am having a wonderful time. I have been spoiled rotten, taken out for deliciou...

August 23, 2013


Couldn't sleep last night, woke up around 4:30am this morning (a slight improvement on yesterday's 4am). Decided there wasn't much point going back to sleep when I had my alarm set for 5am, so I...

August 22, 2013


Bit hectic at work today, preparing for Friday and Monday off work. My boss thanked me for my hard work, which was nice. He's going through a phase this week where he's really appreciative of m...

August 20, 2013


I am pleased to see a couple more of my OD friends popping up on Prosebox. Some haven't written entries yet, but I am putting them in my bookmarks, ready to go. Tuesday was okay. I have $0.55 ...

August 19, 2013

Monday, Again.

The Registrar that works downstairs from me told me he was retiring, and would not be back after today. I was so sad about that. I cried, just a little. Work was okay. Busy enough. Came home...

Book Description

This story is about my life with M.

M and I met on another online diary site in around 2006. He was in New York, USA and I was in New South Wales, Australia. We formed a friendship and spoke nearly every day, whether online or on the phone.

Towards the end of 2008, we realised that we had become more than just friends, and we made plans for me to travel to the US in 2009. So I did.

We spent 6 months in New York, before moving to New Mexico. We got married in New Mexico and I had to return to Australia shortly after.

M followed me to Australia over 4 months later, in mid-2010.

M has now returned to the US, and I will be following him in October 2013. We are going back to New Mexico, where we have a friend to live with at first and a storage unit full of our stuff. We plan to head back to New York to settle within a few years.