

by littlefallsmets

Entries 1,304

Page 6 of 53

I’m burdened with knowing a language that I cannot myself speak the language of music oh, I can re-write the lyrics of others pretty well and can carry a half-a-tune I can ...

July 11, 2020

it's not exactly change

we each live inside the nexus of our hopes and our horrors our imaginations and our ires and our deepest weirdest desires at a multiplicity of identities at the solstic...

consumption masked as purpose hair-dyes and sit-down meals costumed as a sort of freedom these are the American values power wants you buying into “give me liberty or give me death” b...

June 20, 2020

felix and felicity

the cat, our cat we had to have his leg removed to excise the cancer that was killing him he was my father’s first and foremost my dad is gone now, dead Felix is a connection back t...

June 12, 2020

tight rope

it’s not as easy as choosing between the darkness and the light I wish it was that easy that life wasn’t more complicated than that one simple choice but nothing is that binary too much lig...

June 11, 2020

with a cause

in a universe where decay is written into the very code of how atoms work where entropy will always win the war even if we can hold it off in the battle now and again in a...

June 06, 2020

skipped beats

there was snow deep into May this year of twenty-twenty hindsightings sickness and death hung over all of our heads like white-out squalls and blinding ou...

June 04, 2020

lost in translation

not understanding German speaking only English and fragments of French and Spanish I cannot say for it either way however these days I have some around to wondering if Hitler was actually ...

Pete Best never got to be full Beatles famous never got to be one of the four coolest guys in the entire world for a couple years there but then again no on...

May 13, 2020

mistaken identities

oh, we’re all shapeshifters it takes years and years and we have very little control over our eventual outcomes but we’re all shapeshifters things get bigger and smaller things bloat and cr...

May 04, 2020

objects in emotion

my heart is a little boy running without conception of his destination or knowledge of when his legs will give out or when he will be stopped by walls or water my heart is a little boy r...

May 01, 2020

jefferson hill

a lone purple flower shooting up in the abandoned lot where someone’s house used to be swaying unsteadily in the breeze but making its stand nonetheless driving home from work in the middle o...

April 30, 2020


that glacial blue no tepid crystal not transparent not see-through no turquoise pastels there are vast depths behind those sparkles there are fathoms of hue not all of them pleasant but a...

April 25, 2020

the logic of a dream

we are given metaphor and story because the truth is too complex too layered and too seemingly paradoxical for a mind to grasp we’re given narratives and cycles to comprehend subconsciousl...

April 25, 2020

requiem for the strident

render unto Caesar’s section his cereals and his salads the material is immaterial it’s only love that’s valid possessions are obsessions you’re owned by what you own compassio...

it’s a pretty ugly world we’re in but it’s not quite ugly enough there’s this thin veneer of beauty there’s a thinner veneer of tough that make us pretend we’re perfect lie worse when the go...

April 22, 2020

my twenties

she could shift from the steel gray of a thunderhead cloud to the bluish-white of a lightning strike in one half of an instant and so could her eyes and it thrilled me and it powered us a...

April 21, 2020

our trespasses

forgive us, gods and goddesses our performative woes and our too-fervent merriments our half-mad experiments our wine and song in hopes of drowning out the rhythm of our fears and our ...

April 20, 2020

it's a long way to apiary

nerdy birds have the prettiest feathers warmed against the biting winter trundle insulated by their charming fact bundles immune to the world’s shifting weathers so very fevered by the dr...

April 18, 2020

I'll never get to know

within the swirl of her complexities she embodies the Hegelian Dialectic of Disney cartoon musical features sugar-sweet Snow White as thesis the wond’rous and terrible queen her equa...

April 09, 2020

the new normal

the new normal is the realization that there never was a normal there never could’ve been a normal there will never a normal for us again and that its for the best the...

April 01, 2020

myth-ing, you

like Snow White if instead her dire step-mother lived with her inside her head hair like half-past-midnight eyes like autumn rain skin like baby powder encapsulates the pain voices r...

April 01, 2020

gone and forgotten

how quickly it’ll all roll back the skies will clear drilling wounds fill in beachside villas wash away the mars selfishly carved into her will be pink shiny newness then in no time at all vanish...

March 31, 2020

equivalent exchange

Erik Weisz double-named after Houdin burnt like a dervish, watch Harry spin jacket unfurled, brass clasps flick you wonder how he turned the trick but you don’t really wanna know no tri...

March 29, 2020

life during wartime

lines, imaginary lines, ancient and meaningless lines, revered and deadly-arbitrary the kind of lines that do divide humanity from itself to make some con-man a few bucks to convince us that ther...

Book Description

these are first-drafts of my newer poems.
some of them will be great, some will be awful.
most will be okay.